
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


@JSImport("node:readline", "Interface") @native @JSType
class Interface extends StObject

Value members

Concrete methods

def clearLine(stream: WritableStream, dir: Direction): Boolean

Clears the current line of this WriteStream in a direction identified by dir.

Clears the current line of this WriteStream in a direction identified by dir.

def clearLine(stream: WritableStream, dir: Direction, callback: Function0[Unit]): Boolean
def clearScreenDown(stream: WritableStream): Boolean

Clears this WriteStream from the current cursor down.

Clears this WriteStream from the current cursor down.

def clearScreenDown(stream: WritableStream, callback: Function0[Unit]): Boolean
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: WritableStream, completer: AsyncCompleter, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: WritableStream, completer: Completer, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: WritableStream, completer: Unit, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: Unit, completer: AsyncCompleter): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: Unit, completer: AsyncCompleter, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: Unit, completer: Completer): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: Unit, completer: Completer, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def createInterface(input: ReadableStream, output: Unit, completer: Unit, terminal: Boolean): Interface
def cursorTo(stream: WritableStream, x: Double): Boolean

Moves this WriteStream's cursor to the specified position.

Moves this WriteStream's cursor to the specified position.

def cursorTo(stream: WritableStream, x: Double, y: Double): Boolean
def cursorTo(stream: WritableStream, x: Double, y: Double, callback: Function0[Unit]): Boolean
def cursorTo(stream: WritableStream, x: Double, y: Unit, callback: Function0[Unit]): Boolean
def emitKeypressEvents(stream: ReadableStream, readlineInterface: Interface): Unit
def moveCursor(stream: WritableStream, dx: Double, dy: Double): Boolean

Moves this WriteStream's cursor relative to its current position.

Moves this WriteStream's cursor relative to its current position.

def moveCursor(stream: WritableStream, dx: Double, dy: Double, callback: Function0[Unit]): Boolean

Concrete fields

@JSImport("node:readline") @native
val ^: Any