
@native @JSType trait CompileFunctionOptions extends StObject with BaseOptions
trait StObject
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from

Concrete fields

var cachedData: UndefOr[Buffer]

Provides an optional data with V8's code cache data for the supplied source.

Provides an optional data with V8's code cache data for the supplied source.

var contextExtensions: UndefOr[Array[Object]]

An array containing a collection of context extensions (objects wrapping the current scope) to be applied while compiling

An array containing a collection of context extensions (objects wrapping the current scope) to be applied while compiling

var parsingContext: UndefOr[Context]

The sandbox/context in which the said function should be compiled in.

The sandbox/context in which the said function should be compiled in.

var produceCachedData: UndefOr[Boolean]

Specifies whether to produce new cache data. Default: false,

Specifies whether to produce new cache data. Default: false,

Inherited fields

var columnOffset: UndefOr[Double]

Specifies the column number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this script.

Specifies the column number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this script.

Inherited from
var filename: UndefOr[String]

Specifies the filename used in stack traces produced by this script. Default: ''.

Specifies the filename used in stack traces produced by this script. Default: ''.

Inherited from
var lineOffset: UndefOr[Double]

Specifies the line number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this script. Default: 0.

Specifies the line number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this script. Default: 0.

Inherited from