Class BasicHeaderValueParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BasicHeaderValueParser
    extends Object
    implements HeaderValueParser
    Basic implementation for parsing header values into elements. Instances of this class are stateless and thread-safe. Derived classes are expected to maintain these properties.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicHeaderValueParser

        public BasicHeaderValueParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parseElements

        public static HeaderElement[] parseElements​(String value,
                                                    HeaderValueParser parser)
                                             throws ParseException
        Parses elements with the given parser.
        value - the header value to parse
        parser - the parser to use, or null for default
        array holding the header elements, never null
        ParseException - in case of a parsing error
      • parseElements

        public HeaderElement[] parseElements​(CharArrayBuffer buffer,
                                             ParserCursor cursor)
        Description copied from interface: HeaderValueParser
        Parses a header value into elements. Parse errors are indicated as RuntimeException.

        Some HTTP headers (such as the set-cookie header) have values that can be decomposed into multiple elements. In order to be processed by this parser, such headers must be in the following form:

         header  = [ element ] *( "," [ element ] )
         element = name [ "=" [ value ] ] *( ";" [ param ] )
         param   = name [ "=" [ value ] ]
         name    = token
         value   = ( token | quoted-string )
         token         = 1*<any char except "=", ",", ";", <"> and
                               white space>
         quoted-string = <"> *( text | quoted-char ) <">
         text          = any char except <">
         quoted-char   = "\" char

        Any amount of white space is allowed between any part of the header, element or param and is ignored. A missing value in any element or param will be stored as the empty String; if the "=" is also missing null will be stored instead.

        Specified by:
        parseElements in interface HeaderValueParser
        buffer - buffer holding the header value to parse
        cursor - the parser cursor containing the current position and the bounds within the buffer for the parsing operation
        an array holding all elements of the header value
      • parseHeaderElement

        public static HeaderElement parseHeaderElement​(String value,
                                                       HeaderValueParser parser)
                                                throws ParseException
        Parses an element with the given parser.
        value - the header element to parse
        parser - the parser to use, or null for default
        the parsed header element
      • parseHeaderElement

        public HeaderElement parseHeaderElement​(CharArrayBuffer buffer,
                                                ParserCursor cursor)
        Description copied from interface: HeaderValueParser
        Parses a single header element. A header element consist of a semicolon-separate list of name=value definitions.
        Specified by:
        parseHeaderElement in interface HeaderValueParser
        buffer - buffer holding the element to parse
        cursor - the parser cursor containing the current position and the bounds within the buffer for the parsing operation
        the parsed element
      • parseParameters

        public static NameValuePair[] parseParameters​(String value,
                                                      HeaderValueParser parser)
                                               throws ParseException
        Parses parameters with the given parser.
        value - the parameter list to parse
        parser - the parser to use, or null for default
        array holding the parameters, never null
      • parseParameters

        public NameValuePair[] parseParameters​(CharArrayBuffer buffer,
                                               ParserCursor cursor)
        Description copied from interface: HeaderValueParser
        Parses a list of name-value pairs. These lists are used to specify parameters to a header element. Parse errors are indicated as ParseException.
        Specified by:
        parseParameters in interface HeaderValueParser
        buffer - buffer holding the name-value list to parse
        cursor - the parser cursor containing the current position and the bounds within the buffer for the parsing operation
        an array holding all items of the name-value list
      • parseNameValuePair

        public static NameValuePair parseNameValuePair​(String value,
                                                       HeaderValueParser parser)
                                                throws ParseException
        Parses a name-value-pair with the given parser.
        value - the NVP to parse
        parser - the parser to use, or null for default
        the parsed name-value pair
      • parseNameValuePair

        public NameValuePair parseNameValuePair​(CharArrayBuffer buffer,
                                                ParserCursor cursor)
        Description copied from interface: HeaderValueParser
        Parses a name=value specification, where the = and value are optional.
        Specified by:
        parseNameValuePair in interface HeaderValueParser
        buffer - the buffer holding the name-value pair to parse
        cursor - the parser cursor containing the current position and the bounds within the buffer for the parsing operation
        the name-value pair, where the value is null if no value is specified