Class ComponentHelper

  • public class ComponentHelper
    extends Object
    A convenient helper for development of Granite UI components that are implemented using JSP.
    • Method Detail

      • getI18n

        public I18n getI18n()
        Returns I18n appropriate for the current page.
        I18n appropriate for the current page
      • getXss

        public XSSAPI getXss()
        Returns XSSAPI based on the current request.
        XSSAPI based on the current request
      • getConfig

        public Config getConfig()
        Returns the config of current resource of the page.
        the config of current resource of the page
      • getValue

        public Value getValue()
        Returns the values that is applicable for the current page.
        the values that is applicable for the current page
      • getExpressionHelper

        public ExpressionHelper getExpressionHelper()
        Returns the ExpressionHelper appropriate for the current page.
        the ExpressionHelper appropriate for the current page
      • getState

        public State getState()
        Returns the client state.
        the client state
      • consumeTag

        public Tag consumeTag()
        Consumes the current available tag for current page. If the request doesn't have the tag applicable to the page, a new tag is created.

        There is a mechanism such that a tag can be passed to another page when including that page. This method is intended as a way to consume the tag passed by other page. Component developer can make use this method to get the main tag of the component regardless if there is a tag passed by other page or not.

        the tag
        See Also:
        include(Resource, Tag), include(Resource, String, Tag)
      • populateCommonAttrs

        public void populateCommonAttrs​(@Nonnull
                                        AttrBuilder attrs,
                                        Resource src)
        Populates the common attributes to the given AttrBuilder.

        Currently the following common properties and nodes are read and processed from the given resource:

        Name Type Description
        granite:id Property: StringEL The id attribute.
        granite:rel Property: StringEL The class attribute. This is used to indicate the semantic relationship of the component similar to rel attribute.
        granite:class Property: StringEL The class attribute.
        granite:title Property: String The title attribute. This property is i18nable.
        granite:hidden Property: Boolean The hidden attribute.
        granite:itemscope Property: Boolean The itemscope attribute.
        granite:itemtype Property: String The itemtype attribute.
        granite:itemprop Property: String The itemprop attribute.
        granite:data Node Each property of this node is converted into a data-* attribute. If the property value is an instance of a String, it will be interpreted as StringEL. The property having a prefixed name is ignored.
        attrs - The attribute builder to populate to
        src - The resource of the source of the config
      • getLayout

        public LayoutBuilder getLayout()
        Returns the layout config of current resource of the page. This method is setting the default resource type of the layout.
        the layout config of current resource of the page
        See Also:
      • getReadOnlyResourceType

        public String getReadOnlyResourceType()
        Returns the associated resource type of current resource for the purpose rendering read only version. First the granite:readOnlyResourceType property of the resource type of the current resource (the RT) is used. Otherwise it is defaulted to readonly child resource of the RT.
        the associated resource type of current resource
      • getReadOnlyResourceType

        public String getReadOnlyResourceType​(@Nonnull
                                              Resource resource)
        Returns the associated resource type of the given content resource for the purpose rendering read only version. First the granite:readOnlyResourceType property of the resource type of the content resource (the RT) is used. Otherwise it is defaulted to readonly child resource of the RT.
        resource - the resource
        the associated resource type of the given content resource
      • getRenderCondition

        public RenderCondition getRenderCondition​(@Nonnull
                                                  Resource resource,
                                                  boolean cache)
                                           throws ServletException,
        Returns the render condition of the given resource. The render condition is specified by granite:rendercondition subresource, unlike getRenderCondition(Resource).
        resource - The resource
        cache - true to cache the result; Use it when checking render condition of other resource (typically the item resource) so that the render condition is only resolved once.
        The render condition of the given resource; never null.
        ServletException - in case there's a servlet error
        IOException - in case there's an i/o error
      • getIconClass

        public String getIconClass​(@CheckForNull
                                   String icon)
        Returns the icon class(es) for the given icon string from the content property.
        icon - the icon string
        the icon class(es) for the given icon string from the content property, or null if the given icon is null
      • include

        public void include​(@Nonnull
                            Resource resource,
                            Tag tag)
                     throws ServletException,
        Includes the given resource and passes the given tag to its renderer. This method performs similarly to <sling:include resource="" />.
        resource - the resource to include
        tag - the tag
        ServletException - in case there's a servlet error
        IOException - in case there's an i/o error
      • include

        public void include​(@Nonnull
                            Resource resource,
                            String resourceType,
                            Tag tag)
                     throws ServletException,
        Includes the given resource with the given resourceType and passes the given tag to its renderer. This method performs similarly to <sling:include resource="" resourceType="" />.
        resource - the resource to include
        resourceType - the resource type
        tag - the tag
        ServletException - in case there's a servlet error
        IOException - in case there's an i/o error