Package javax.json

Interface JsonObjectBuilder

  • public interface JsonObjectBuilder
    A JsonObjectBuilder can be used to build JsonObjects. Instances are not thread safe. Calling any of those methods with either the name or value param as null will result in a NullPointerException
    • Method Detail

      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              JsonValue value)
        Add the given JsonValue value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - the JsonValue to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              String value)
        Add the given String value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - the String value to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              BigInteger value)
        Add the given BigInteger value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - the BigInteger value to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              BigDecimal value)
        Add the given BigDecimal value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - the BigDecimal value to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              int value)
        Add the given int value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              long value)
        Add the given long value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              double value)
        Add the given double value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              boolean value)
        Add the given boolean value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        value - to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • addNull

        JsonObjectBuilder addNull​(String name)
        Add a JsonValue.NULL value to the JsonObject to be created. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the null value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              JsonObjectBuilder builder)
        Use the given JsonObjectBuilder to create a JsonObject which will be added to the JsonObject to be created by this builder. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        builder - for creating the JsonObject to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • add

        JsonObjectBuilder add​(String name,
                              JsonArrayBuilder builder)
        Use the given JsonArrayBuilder to create a JsonArray which will be added to the JsonObject to be created by this builder. If a value with that name already exists it will be replaced by the new value.
        name - the JSON attribute name
        builder - for creating the JsonArray to add
        the current JsonObjectBuilder
      • remove

        default JsonObjectBuilder remove​(String name)
        Remove the attribute with the given name from the builder.