Class ZipFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ZipFile
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Replacement for java.util.ZipFile.

    This class adds support for file name encodings other than UTF-8 (which is required to work on ZIP files created by native zip tools and is able to skip a preamble like the one found in self extracting archives. Furthermore it returns instances of instead of

    It doesn't extend as it would have to reimplement all methods anyway. Like java.util.ZipFile, it uses SeekableByteChannel under the covers and supports compressed and uncompressed entries. As of Apache Commons Compress 1.3 it also transparently supports Zip64 extensions and thus individual entries and archives larger than 4 GB or with more than 65536 entries.

    The method signatures mimic the ones of, with a couple of exceptions:

    • There is no getName method.
    • entries has been renamed to getEntries.
    • getEntries and getEntry return instances.
    • close is allowed to throw IOException.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File f)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming "UTF8" for file names.
        f - the archive.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(String name)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming "UTF8".
        name - name of the archive.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(String name,
                       String encoding)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names, scanning unicode extra fields.
        name - name of the archive.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File f,
                       String encoding)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names and scanning for unicode extra fields.
        f - the archive.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File f,
                       String encoding,
                       boolean useUnicodeExtraFields)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names.
        f - the archive.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        useUnicodeExtraFields - whether to use InfoZIP Unicode Extra Fields (if present) to set the file names.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(File f,
                       String encoding,
                       boolean useUnicodeExtraFields,
                       boolean ignoreLocalFileHeader)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given file for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names.

        By default the central directory record and all local file headers of the archive will be read immediately which may take a considerable amount of time when the archive is big. The ignoreLocalFileHeader parameter can be set to true which restricts parsing to the central directory. Unfortunately the local file header may contain information not present inside of the central directory which will not be available when the argument is set to true. This includes the content of the Unicode extra field, so setting ignoreLocalFileHeader to true means useUnicodeExtraFields will be ignored effectively. Also getRawInputStream( is always going to return null if ignoreLocalFileHeader is true.

        f - the archive.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        useUnicodeExtraFields - whether to use InfoZIP Unicode Extra Fields (if present) to set the file names.
        ignoreLocalFileHeader - whether to ignore information stored inside the local file header (see the notes in this method's javadoc)
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(SeekableByteChannel channel,
                       String encoding)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given channel for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names.

        SeekableInMemoryByteChannel allows you to read from an in-memory archive.

        channel - the archive.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(SeekableByteChannel channel,
                       String archiveName,
                       String encoding,
                       boolean useUnicodeExtraFields)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given channel for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names.

        SeekableInMemoryByteChannel allows you to read from an in-memory archive.

        channel - the archive.
        archiveName - name of the archive, used for error messages only.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        useUnicodeExtraFields - whether to use InfoZIP Unicode Extra Fields (if present) to set the file names.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
      • ZipFile

        public ZipFile​(SeekableByteChannel channel,
                       String archiveName,
                       String encoding,
                       boolean useUnicodeExtraFields,
                       boolean ignoreLocalFileHeader)
                throws IOException
        Opens the given channel for reading, assuming the specified encoding for file names.

        SeekableInMemoryByteChannel allows you to read from an in-memory archive.

        By default the central directory record and all local file headers of the archive will be read immediately which may take a considerable amount of time when the archive is big. The ignoreLocalFileHeader parameter can be set to true which restricts parsing to the central directory. Unfortunately the local file header may contain information not present inside of the central directory which will not be available when the argument is set to true. This includes the content of the Unicode extra field, so setting ignoreLocalFileHeader to true means useUnicodeExtraFields will be ignored effectively. Also getRawInputStream( is always going to return null if ignoreLocalFileHeader is true.

        channel - the archive.
        archiveName - name of the archive, used for error messages only.
        encoding - the encoding to use for file names, use null for the platform's default encoding
        useUnicodeExtraFields - whether to use InfoZIP Unicode Extra Fields (if present) to set the file names.
        ignoreLocalFileHeader - whether to ignore information stored inside the local file header (see the notes in this method's javadoc)
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file.
    • Method Detail

      • getEncoding

        public String getEncoding()
        The encoding to use for file names and the file comment.
        null if using the platform's default character encoding.
      • closeQuietly

        public static void closeQuietly​(ZipFile zipfile)
        close a zipfile quietly; throw no io fault, do nothing on a null parameter
        zipfile - file to close, can be null
      • getEntries

        public Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> getEntries()
        Returns all entries.

        Entries will be returned in the same order they appear within the archive's central directory.

        all entries as ZipArchiveEntry instances
      • getEntriesInPhysicalOrder

        public Enumeration<ZipArchiveEntry> getEntriesInPhysicalOrder()
        Returns all entries in physical order.

        Entries will be returned in the same order their contents appear within the archive.

        all entries as ZipArchiveEntry instances
      • getEntry

        public ZipArchiveEntry getEntry​(String name)
        Returns a named entry - or null if no entry by that name exists.

        If multiple entries with the same name exist the first entry in the archive's central directory by that name is returned.

        name - name of the entry.
        the ZipArchiveEntry corresponding to the given name - or null if not present.
      • getEntries

        public Iterable<ZipArchiveEntry> getEntries​(String name)
        Returns all named entries in the same order they appear within the archive's central directory.
        name - name of the entry.
        the Iterable<ZipArchiveEntry> corresponding to the given name
      • getEntriesInPhysicalOrder

        public Iterable<ZipArchiveEntry> getEntriesInPhysicalOrder​(String name)
        Returns all named entries in the same order their contents appear within the archive.
        name - name of the entry.
        the Iterable<ZipArchiveEntry> corresponding to the given name
      • canReadEntryData

        public boolean canReadEntryData​(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
        Whether this class is able to read the given entry.

        May return false if it is set up to use encryption or a compression method that hasn't been implemented yet.

        ze - the entry
        whether this class is able to read the given entry.
      • getRawInputStream

        public InputStream getRawInputStream​(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
        Expose the raw stream of the archive entry (compressed form).

        This method does not relate to how/if we understand the payload in the stream, since we really only intend to move it on to somewhere else.

        ze - The entry to get the stream for
        The raw input stream containing (possibly) compressed data.
      • copyRawEntries

        public void copyRawEntries​(ZipArchiveOutputStream target,
                                   ZipArchiveEntryPredicate predicate)
                            throws IOException
        Transfer selected entries from this zipfile to a given #ZipArchiveOutputStream. Compression and all other attributes will be as in this file.

        This method transfers entries based on the central directory of the zip file.

        target - The zipArchiveOutputStream to write the entries to
        predicate - A predicate that selects which entries to write
        IOException - on error
      • getInputStream

        public InputStream getInputStream​(ZipArchiveEntry ze)
                                   throws IOException
        Returns an InputStream for reading the contents of the given entry.
        ze - the entry to get the stream for.
        a stream to read the entry from. The returned stream implements InputStreamStatistics.
        IOException - if unable to create an input stream from the zipentry
      • getUnixSymlink

        public String getUnixSymlink​(ZipArchiveEntry entry)
                              throws IOException

        Convenience method to return the entry's content as a String if isUnixSymlink() returns true for it, otherwise returns null.

        This method assumes the symbolic link's file name uses the same encoding that as been specified for this ZipFile.

        entry - ZipArchiveEntry object that represents the symbolic link
        entry's content as a String
        IOException - problem with content's input stream