Uses of Class

Packages that use Record

Uses of Record in com.aerospike.client

Methods in com.aerospike.client that return Record
 Record AerospikeClient.get(Policy policy, Key key)
          Read entire record for specified key.
 Record[] AerospikeClient.get(Policy policy, Key[] keys)
          Read multiple records for specified keys in one batch call.
 Record[] AerospikeClient.get(Policy policy, Key[] keys, String... binNames)
          Read multiple record headers and bins for specified keys in one batch call.
 Record AerospikeClient.get(Policy policy, Key key, String... binNames)
          Read record header and bins for specified key.
 Record AerospikeClient.getHeader(Policy policy, Key key)
          Read record generation and expiration only for specified key.
 Record[] AerospikeClient.getHeader(Policy policy, Key[] keys)
          Read multiple record header data for specified keys in one batch call.
 Record AerospikeClient.operate(WritePolicy policy, Key key, Operation... operations)
          Perform multiple read/write operations on a single key in one batch call.

Methods in com.aerospike.client with parameters of type Record
 void ScanCallback.scanCallback(Key key, Record record)
          This method will be called for each record returned from a scan.

Uses of Record in com.aerospike.client.listener

Methods in com.aerospike.client.listener with parameters of type Record
 void RecordSequenceListener.onRecord(Key key, Record record)
          This method is called when an asynchronous record is received from the server.
 void RecordArrayListener.onSuccess(Key[] keys, Record[] records)
          This method is called when an asynchronous batch get command completes successfully.
 void RecordListener.onSuccess(Key key, Record record)
          This method is called when an asynchronous get or operate command completes successfully.

Uses of Record in com.aerospike.client.query

Methods in com.aerospike.client.query that return Record
 Record RecordSet.getRecord()
          Get record's header and bin data.

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