Interface ResultSet

    • Method Detail

      • reset

        default void reset()
      • countEntries

        default long countEntries()
      • stream

        default Stream<Result> stream()
        Returns the result set as a stream. IMPORTANT: the stream consumes the result set!
      • elementStream

        default Stream<Record> elementStream()
        Returns the result set as a stream of elements (filters only the results that are elements - where the isElement() method returns true). IMPORTANT: the stream consumes the result set!
      • vertexStream

        default Stream<Vertex> vertexStream()
        Returns the result set as a stream of vertices (filters only the results that are vertices - where the isVertex() method returns true). IMPORTANT: the stream consumes the result set!
      • edgeStream

        default Stream<Edge> edgeStream()
        Returns the result set as a stream of vertices (filters only the results that are edges - where the isEdge() method returns true). IMPORTANT: the stream consumes the result set!