All Classes

The Algorithm class represents an algorithm to be used in the Signing or Verification process of a Token.
The exception that will be thrown if the exception doesn't match the one mentioned in the JWT Header.
The Claim class holds the value in a generic way so that it can be recovered in many representations.
Class that represents a Json Web Token that was decoded from it's string representation.
Elliptic Curve (EC) Public/Private Key provider.
The Header class represents the 1st part of the JWT, where the Header value is held.
Contains constants representing the JWT header parameter names.
This exception is thrown when the expected value is not found while verifying the Claims.
The exception that will be thrown while verifying Claims of a JWT.
Exposes all the JWT functionalities.
The exception that is thrown when a JWT cannot be created.
The JWTCreator class holds the sign method to generate a complete JWT (with Signature) from a given Header and Payload content.
The Builder class holds the Claims that defines the JWT to be created.
The exception that is thrown when any part of the token contained an invalid JWT or JSON format.
The JWTPartsParser class defines which parts of the JWT should be converted to its specific Object representation instance.
Parent to all the exception thrown while verifying a JWT.
Used to verify the JWT for its signature and claims.
The JWTVerifier class holds the verify method to assert that a given Token has not only a proper JWT format, but also its signature matches.
Verification implementation that accepts all the expected Claim values for verification.
This exception is thrown when the claim to be verified is missing.
The Payload class represents the 2nd part of the JWT, where the Payload value is held.
Contains constants representing the name of the Registered Claim Names as defined in Section 4.1 of RFC 7529
RSA Public/Private Key provider.
The exception that is thrown when signature is not able to be generated.
The exception that is thrown if the Signature verification fails.
The exception that is thrown if the token is expired.
Constructs and holds the checks required for a JWT to be considered valid.