Class CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions

  • @Beta(value=V4_12_0,
          warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
    public final class CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions
    extends Object
    Encapsulates options that can be specified for an operation within a change feed request.
    • Method Detail

      • getFeedRange

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public FeedRange getFeedRange()
        Gets the feed range.
        the feed range.
      • getMaxItemCount

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public int getMaxItemCount()
        Gets the maximum number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.
        the max number of items.
      • setMaxItemCount

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions setMaxItemCount​(int maxItemCount)
        Sets the maximum number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.
        maxItemCount - the max number of items.
        the FeedOptionsBase.
      • getMaxPrefetchPageCount

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public int getMaxPrefetchPageCount()
        Gets the maximum number of pages that will be prefetched from the backend asynchronously in the background. By pre-fetching these changes the throughput of processing the change feed records can be increased because the processing doesn't have to stop while waiting for the IO operations to retrieve a new page form the backend to complete. The only scenario where it can be useful to disable prefetching pages (with setMaxPrefetchPageCount(0)) would be when the caller only plans to retrieve just one page - so any prefetched pages would not be used anyway.
        the modified change feed request options.
      • setMaxPrefetchPageCount

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions setMaxPrefetchPageCount​(int maxPrefetchPageCount)
        Sets the maximum number of pages that will be prefetched from the backend asynchronously in the background. By pre-fetching these changes the throughput of processing the change feed records can be increased because the processing doesn't have to stop while waiting for the IO operations to retrieve a new page form the backend to complete. The only scenario where it can be useful to disable prefetching pages (with setMaxPrefetchPageCount(0)) would be when the caller only plans to retrieve just one page - so any prefetched pages would not be used anyway.
        maxPrefetchPageCount - the max number of pages that will be prefetched from the backend asynchronously in the background
        the modified change feed request options.
      • isQuotaInfoEnabled

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public boolean isQuotaInfoEnabled()
        Gets the quotaInfoEnabled setting for change feed request in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. quotaInfoEnabled is used to enable/disable getting quota related stats
        true if quotaInfoEnabled is enabled
      • setQuotaInfoEnabled

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public void setQuotaInfoEnabled​(boolean quotaInfoEnabled)
        Gets the quotaInfoEnabled setting for change feed request in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. quotaInfoEnabled is used to enable/disable getting quota related stats
        quotaInfoEnabled - a boolean value indicating whether quotaInfoEnabled is enabled or not
      • fullFidelity

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions fullFidelity()
        Changes the change feed mode so that the change feed will contain events for creations, deletes as well as all intermediary snapshots for updates. Enabling full fidelity change feed mode requires configuring a retention duration in the change feed policy of the container. ChangeFeedPolicy

        Intermediary snapshots of changes as well as deleted documents would be available for processing for 8 minutes before they vanish. When enabling full fidelity mode you will only be able to process change feed events within the retention window configured in the change feed policy of the container. If you attempt to process a change feed after more than the retention window an error (Status Code 400) will be returned because the events for intermediary updates and deletes have vanished. It would still be possible to process changes using Incremental mode even when configuring a full fidelity change feed policy with retention window on the container and when using Incremental mode it doesn't matter whether your are out of the retention window or not - but no events for deletes or intermediary updates would be included. When events are not getting processed within the retention window it is also possible to continue processing future events in full fidelity mode by querying the change feed with a new CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions instance.

        a CosmosChangeFeedRequestOptions instance with full fidelity mode enabled
      • getThroughputControlGroupName

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public String getThroughputControlGroupName()
        Get the throughput control group name.
        The throughput control group name.