Class FeedResponse<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type parameter
    All Implemented Interfaces:<String,​T>

    public class FeedResponse<T>
    extends Object
    The type Feed response.
    • Method Detail

      • getResults

        public List<T> getResults()
        the list of results.
      • getDatabaseQuota

        public long getDatabaseQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota for database resources within the account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum quota for the account.
      • getDatabaseUsage

        public long getDatabaseUsage()
        Gets the current number of database resources within the account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of databases.
      • getCollectionQuota

        public long getCollectionQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota for container resources within an account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum quota for the account.
      • getCollectionUsage

        public long getCollectionUsage()
        Gets the current number of container resources within the account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of containers.
      • getUserQuota

        public long getUserQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota for user resources within an account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum quota for the account.
      • getUserUsage

        public long getUserUsage()
        Gets the current number of user resources within the account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of users.
      • getPermissionQuota

        public long getPermissionQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota for permission resources within an account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum quota for the account.
      • getPermissionUsage

        public long getPermissionUsage()
        Gets the current number of permission resources within the account from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of permissions.
      • getCollectionSizeQuota

        public long getCollectionSizeQuota()
        Gets the maximum size of a container in kilobytes from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum quota in kilobytes.
      • getCollectionSizeUsage

        public long getCollectionSizeUsage()
        Gets the current size of a container in kilobytes from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current size of a container in kilobytes.
      • getDocumentUsage

        public long getDocumentUsage()
        Gets the current size of the documents in a container in kilobytes from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current size of a container in kilobytes.
      • getDocumentCountUsage

        public long getDocumentCountUsage()
        Current document count usage.
        the document count usage.
      • getStoredProceduresQuota

        public long getStoredProceduresQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota of stored procedures for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum stored procedure quota.
      • getStoredProceduresUsage

        public long getStoredProceduresUsage()
        Gets the current number of stored procedures for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of stored procedures.
      • getTriggersQuota

        public long getTriggersQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota of triggers for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum triggers quota.
      • getTriggersUsage

        public long getTriggersUsage()
        Get the current number of triggers for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The current number of triggers.
      • getUserDefinedFunctionsQuota

        public long getUserDefinedFunctionsQuota()
        Gets the maximum quota of user defined functions for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        The maximum user defined functions quota.
      • getUserDefinedFunctionsUsage

        public long getUserDefinedFunctionsUsage()
        Gets the current number of user defined functions for a container from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        the current number of user defined functions.
      • getMaxResourceQuota

        public String getMaxResourceQuota()
        Gets the maximum size limit for this entity from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        the maximum size limit for this entity. Measured in kilobytes for item resources and in counts for other resources.
      • getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage

        public String getCurrentResourceQuotaUsage()
        Gets the current size of this entity from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
        the current size for this entity. Measured in kilobytes for item resources and in counts for other resources.
      • getRequestCharge

        public double getRequestCharge()
        Gets the request charge as request units (RU) consumed by the operation.

        For more information about the RU and factors that can impact the effective charges please visit Request Units in Azure Cosmos DB

        the request charge.
      • getActivityId

        public String getActivityId()
        Gets the activity ID for the request.
        the activity id.
      • getCorrelationActivityId

        public UUID getCorrelationActivityId()
        Gets the correlation activity ID for the responses of a query operation or null if no correlation activity id is present
        the correlation activity id or null if no correlation activity id is present.
      • getElements

        public<T> getElements()
        Specified by:
        getElements in interface<String,​T>
      • getContinuationToken

        public String getContinuationToken()
        Gets the continuation token to be used for continuing the enumeration.
        Specified by:
        getContinuationToken in interface<String,​T>
        the response continuation.
      • getSessionToken

        public String getSessionToken()
        Gets the session token for use in session consistency.
        the session token.
      • getResponseHeaders

        public Map<String,​String> getResponseHeaders()
        Gets the response headers.
        the response headers.
      • getCosmosDiagnostics

        public CosmosDiagnostics getCosmosDiagnostics()
        Gets the feed response diagnostics
        Feed response diagnostics