Class AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder

        public AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • authorizationCode

        public AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder authorizationCode​(String authCode)
        Sets the authorization code on the builder.
        authCode - the authorization code acquired from user login
        the AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder itself
      • redirectUrl

        public AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder redirectUrl​(String redirectUrl)
        Sets redirect URL for the Oauth 2.0 login request, which must be registered as a valid redirect URL on the application. The authorization code will be sent to this URL, so it must be listening on this server and is able to complete the AuthorizationCodeCredential construction from there. This is also called Reply URLs in some contexts.
        redirectUrl - the redirect URL to send the authorization code
        the AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder itself
      • clientSecret

        public AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder clientSecret​(String clientSecret)
        Sets the client secret for the authentication. This is required for AAD web apps. Do not set this for AAD native apps.
        clientSecret - the secret value of the AAD application.
        An updated instance of this builder.