Class TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion

  extended by
      extended by
Enclosing class:

public static class TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
extends TextureRegion

Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.

Field Summary
 int index
          The number at the end of the original image file name, or -1 if none.

When sprites are packed, if the original file name ends with a number, it is stored as the index and is not considered as part of the sprite's name.
 String name
          The name of the original image file, up to the first underscore.
 float offsetX
          The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
 float offsetY
          The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
 int originalHeight
          The height of the image, before whitespace was removed for packing.
 int originalWidth
          The width of the image, before whitespace was removed and rotation was applied for packing.
 int packedHeight
          The height of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
 int packedWidth
          The width of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
 int[] pads
          The ninepatch pads, or null if not a ninepatch or the has no padding.
 boolean rotate
          If true, the region has been rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
 int[] splits
          The ninepatch splits, or null if not a ninepatch.
Constructor Summary
TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion region)
TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(Texture texture, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Method Summary
 void flip(boolean x, boolean y)
          Flips the region, adjusting the offset so the image appears to be flip as if no whitespace has been removed for packing.
 float getRotatedPackedHeight()
          Returns the packed height considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedWidth, otherwise it returns the packedHeight.
 float getRotatedPackedWidth()
          Returns the packed width considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedHeight, otherwise it returns the packedWidth.
Methods inherited from class
getRegionHeight, getRegionWidth, getRegionX, getRegionY, getTexture, getU, getU2, getV, getV2, isFlipX, isFlipY, scroll, setRegion, setRegion, setRegion, setRegion, setRegion, setRegionHeight, setRegionWidth, setRegionX, setRegionY, setTexture, setU, setU2, setV, setV2, split, split
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int index
The number at the end of the original image file name, or -1 if none.

When sprites are packed, if the original file name ends with a number, it is stored as the index and is not considered as part of the sprite's name. This is useful for keeping animation frames in order.

See Also:


public String name
The name of the original image file, up to the first underscore. Underscores denote special instructions to the texture packer.


public float offsetX
The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.


public float offsetY
The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.


public int packedWidth
The width of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.


public int packedHeight
The height of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.


public int originalWidth
The width of the image, before whitespace was removed and rotation was applied for packing.


public int originalHeight
The height of the image, before whitespace was removed for packing.


public boolean rotate
If true, the region has been rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.


public int[] splits
The ninepatch splits, or null if not a ninepatch. Has 4 elements: left, right, top, bottom.


public int[] pads
The ninepatch pads, or null if not a ninepatch or the has no padding. Has 4 elements: left, right, top, bottom.

Constructor Detail


public TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(Texture texture,
                                int x,
                                int y,
                                int width,
                                int height)


public TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion(TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion region)
Method Detail


public void flip(boolean x,
                 boolean y)
Flips the region, adjusting the offset so the image appears to be flip as if no whitespace has been removed for packing.

flip in class TextureRegion


public float getRotatedPackedWidth()
Returns the packed width considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedHeight, otherwise it returns the packedWidth.


public float getRotatedPackedHeight()
Returns the packed height considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedWidth, otherwise it returns the packedHeight.

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