Interface MapRenderer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BatchTiledMapRenderer, HexagonalTiledMapRenderer, IsometricStaggeredTiledMapRenderer, IsometricTiledMapRenderer, OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer

public interface MapRenderer

Method Summary
 void render()
          Renders all the layers of a map.
 void render(int[] layers)
          Renders the given layers of a map.
 void setView(Matrix4 projectionMatrix, float viewboundsX, float viewboundsY, float viewboundsWidth, float viewboundsHeight)
          Sets the projection matrix for rendering, as well as the bounds of the map which should be rendered.
 void setView(OrthographicCamera camera)
          Sets the projection matrix and viewbounds from the given camera.

Method Detail


void setView(OrthographicCamera camera)
Sets the projection matrix and viewbounds from the given camera. If the camera changes, you have to call this method again. The viewbounds are taken from the camera's position and viewport size as well as the scale. This method will only work if the camera's direction vector is (0,0,-1) and its up vector is (0, 1, 0), which are the defaults.

camera - the OrthographicCamera


void setView(Matrix4 projectionMatrix,
             float viewboundsX,
             float viewboundsY,
             float viewboundsWidth,
             float viewboundsHeight)
Sets the projection matrix for rendering, as well as the bounds of the map which should be rendered. Make sure that the frustum spanned by the projection matrix coincides with the viewbounds.

projectionMatrix -
viewboundsX -
viewboundsY -
viewboundsWidth -
viewboundsHeight -


void render()
Renders all the layers of a map.


void render(int[] layers)
Renders the given layers of a map.

layers -

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