Class Bresenham2

  extended by com.badlogic.gdx.math.Bresenham2

public class Bresenham2
extends Object

Returns a list of points at integer coordinates for a line on a 2D grid, using the Bresenham algorithm.

Instances of this class own the returned array of points and the points themselves to avoid garbage collection as much as possible. Calling any of the methods will result in the reuse of the previously returned array and vectors, expect


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Array<GridPoint2> line(GridPoint2 start, GridPoint2 end)
          Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.
 Array<GridPoint2> line(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
          Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.
 Array<GridPoint2> line(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, Pool<GridPoint2> pool, Array<GridPoint2> output)
          Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Bresenham2()
Method Detail


public Array<GridPoint2> line(GridPoint2 start,
                              GridPoint2 end)
Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.

start - the start of the line
end - the end of the line
the list of points on the line at integer coordinates


public Array<GridPoint2> line(int startX,
                              int startY,
                              int endX,
                              int endY)
Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.

startX - the start x coordinate of the line
startY - the start y coordinate of the line
endX - the end x coordinate of the line
endY - the end y coordinate of the line
the list of points on the line at integer coordinates


public Array<GridPoint2> line(int startX,
                              int startY,
                              int endX,
                              int endY,
                              Pool<GridPoint2> pool,
                              Array<GridPoint2> output)
Returns a list of GridPoint2 instances along the given line, at integer coordinates.

startX - the start x coordinate of the line
startY - the start y coordinate of the line
endX - the end x coordinate of the line
endY - the end y coordinate of the line
pool - the pool from which GridPoint2 instances are fetched
output - the output array, will be cleared in this method
the list of points on the line at integer coordinates

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