Class MathUtils

  extended by com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils

public class MathUtils
extends Object

Utility and fast math functions.

Thanks to Riven on for the basis of sin/cos/atan2/floor/ceil.

Nathan Sweet

Field Summary
static float degRad
static float degreesToRadians
static float nanoToSec
static float PI
static float PI2
static float radDeg
static float radiansToDegrees
static Random random
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static float atan2(float y, float x)
          Returns atan2 in radians from a lookup table.
static int ceil(float x)
          Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified float.
static int ceilPositive(float x)
          Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified float.
static float clamp(float value, float min, float max)
static int clamp(int value, int min, int max)
static short clamp(short value, short min, short max)
static float cos(float radians)
          Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.
static float cosDeg(float degrees)
          Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.
static int floor(float x)
          Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified float.
static int floorPositive(float x)
          Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified float.
static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value)
static int nextPowerOfTwo(int value)
          Returns the next power of two.
static float random()
          Returns random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).
static float random(float range)
          Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).
static float random(float start, float end)
          Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).
static int random(int range)
          Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (inclusive).
static int random(int start, int end)
          Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive).
static boolean randomBoolean()
          Returns a random boolean value.
static boolean randomBoolean(float chance)
          Returns true if a random value between 0 and 1 is less than the specified value.
static int round(float x)
          Returns the closest integer to the specified float.
static int roundPositive(float x)
          Returns the closest integer to the specified float.
static float sin(float radians)
          Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.
static float sinDeg(float degrees)
          Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final float nanoToSec
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float PI
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float PI2
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float radiansToDegrees
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float radDeg
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float degreesToRadians
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final float degRad
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static Random random
Constructor Detail


public MathUtils()
Method Detail


public static final float sin(float radians)
Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.


public static final float cos(float radians)
Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.


public static final float sinDeg(float degrees)
Returns the sine in radians from a lookup table.


public static final float cosDeg(float degrees)
Returns the cosine in radians from a lookup table.


public static final float atan2(float y,
                                float x)
Returns atan2 in radians from a lookup table.


public static final int random(int range)
Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (inclusive).


public static final int random(int start,
                               int end)
Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive).


public static final boolean randomBoolean()
Returns a random boolean value.


public static final boolean randomBoolean(float chance)
Returns true if a random value between 0 and 1 is less than the specified value.


public static final float random()
Returns random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).


public static final float random(float range)
Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive).


public static final float random(float start,
                                 float end)
Returns a random number between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive).


public static int nextPowerOfTwo(int value)
Returns the next power of two. Returns the specified value if the value is already a power of two.


public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int value)


public static int clamp(int value,
                        int min,
                        int max)


public static short clamp(short value,
                          short min,
                          short max)


public static float clamp(float value,
                          float min,
                          float max)


public static int floor(float x)
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified float. This method will only properly floor floats from -(2^14) to (Float.MAX_VALUE - 2^14).


public static int floorPositive(float x)
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified float. This method will only properly floor floats that are positive. Note this method simply casts the float to int.


public static int ceil(float x)
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified float. This method will only properly ceil floats from -(2^14) to (Float.MAX_VALUE - 2^14).


public static int ceilPositive(float x)
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified float. This method will only properly ceil floats that are positive.


public static int round(float x)
Returns the closest integer to the specified float. This method will only properly round floats from -(2^14) to (Float.MAX_VALUE - 2^14).


public static int roundPositive(float x)
Returns the closest integer to the specified float. This method will only properly round floats that are positive.

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