Class Actor

  extended by com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
Direct Known Subclasses:
Group, Widget

public class Actor
extends Object

2D scene graph node. An actor has a position, rectangular size, origin, scale, rotation, Z index, and color. The position corresponds to the unrotated, unscaled bottom left corner of the actor. The position is relative to the actor's parent. The origin is relative to the position and is used for scale and rotation.

An actor has a list of in-progress actions that are applied to the actor (over time). These are generally used to change the presentation of the actor (moving it, resizing it, etc). See act(float) and Action.

An actor has two kinds of listeners associated with it: "capture" and regular. The listeners are notified of events the actor or its children receive. The capture listeners are designed to allow a parent or container actor to hide events from child actors. The regular listeners are designed to allow an actor to respond to events that have been delivered. See fire(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Event) for more details.

An InputListener can receive all the basic input events, and more complex listeners (like ClickListener and ActorGestureListener) can listen for and combine primitive events and recognize complex interactions like multi-click or pinch.

mzechner, Nathan Sweet

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void act(float delta)
          Updates the actor based on time.
 void addAction(Action action)
 boolean addCaptureListener(EventListener listener)
          Adds a listener that is only notified during the capture phase.
 boolean addListener(EventListener listener)
          Add a listener to receive events that hit this actor.
 void clear()
          Removes all actions and listeners on this actor.
 void clearActions()
          Removes all actions on this actor.
 void clearListeners()
          Removes all listeners on this actor.
 boolean clipBegin()
          Calls clipBegin(float, float, float, float) to clip this actor's bounds.
 boolean clipBegin(float x, float y, float width, float height)
          Clips the specified screen aligned rectangle, specified relative to the transform matrix of the stage's SpriteBatch.
 void clipEnd()
          Ends clipping begun by clipBegin(float, float, float, float).
 void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha)
          Draws the actor.
 boolean fire(Event event)
          Sets this actor as the event target and propagates the event to this actor and ancestor actors as necessary.
 Array<Action> getActions()
 Array<EventListener> getCaptureListeners()
 Color getColor()
          Returns the color the actor will be tinted when drawn.
 float getHeight()
 Array<EventListener> getListeners()
 String getName()
 float getOriginX()
 float getOriginY()
 Group getParent()
          Returns the parent actor, or null if not in a stage.
 float getRight()
          Returns x plus width.
 float getRotation()
 float getScaleX()
 float getScaleY()
 Stage getStage()
          Returns the stage that this actor is currently in, or null if not in a stage.
 float getTop()
          Returns y plus height.
 Touchable getTouchable()
 float getWidth()
 float getX()
 float getY()
 int getZIndex()
          Returns the z-index of this actor.
 boolean hasParent()
          Returns true if the actor's parent is not null.
 Actor hit(float x, float y, boolean touchable)
          Returns the deepest actor that contains the specified point and is touchable and visible, or null if no actor was hit.
 boolean isAscendantOf(Actor actor)
          Returns true if this actor is the same as or is the ascendant of the specified actor.
 boolean isDescendantOf(Actor actor)
          Returns true if this actor is the same as or is the descendant of the specified actor.
 boolean isVisible()
 Vector2 localToAscendantCoordinates(Actor ascendant, Vector2 localCoords)
          Converts coordinates for this actor to those of a parent actor.
 Vector2 localToParentCoordinates(Vector2 localCoords)
          Transforms the specified point in the actor's coordinates to be in the parent's coordinates.
 Vector2 localToStageCoordinates(Vector2 localCoords)
          Transforms the specified point in the actor's coordinates to be in the stage's coordinates.
 boolean notify(Event event, boolean capture)
          Notifies this actor's listeners of the event.
 Vector2 parentToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 parentCoords)
          Converts the coordinates given in the parent's coordinate system to this actor's coordinate system.
 boolean remove()
          Removes this actor from its parent, if it has a parent.
 void removeAction(Action action)
 boolean removeCaptureListener(EventListener listener)
 boolean removeListener(EventListener listener)
 void rotate(float amountInDegrees)
          Adds the specified rotation to the current rotation.
 void scale(float scale)
          Adds the specified scale to the current scale.
 void scale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Adds the specified scale to the current scale.
 Vector2 screenToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 screenCoords)
          Transforms the specified point in screen coordinates to the actor's local coordinate system.
 void setBounds(float x, float y, float width, float height)
          Set bounds the x, y, width, and height.
 void setColor(Color color)
 void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a)
 void setHeight(float height)
 void setName(String name)
          Sets a name for easier identification of the actor in application code.
 void setOrigin(float originX, float originY)
          Sets the originx and originy.
 void setOriginX(float originX)
 void setOriginY(float originY)
 void setPosition(float x, float y)
          Sets the x and y.
 void setRotation(float degrees)
 void setScale(float scale)
          Sets the scalex and scaley.
 void setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Sets the scalex and scaley.
 void setScaleX(float scaleX)
 void setScaleY(float scaleY)
 void setSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the width and height.
 void setTouchable(Touchable touchable)
          Determines how touch events are distributed to this actor.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          If false, the actor will not be drawn and will not receive touch events.
 void setWidth(float width)
 void setX(float x)
 void setY(float y)
 void setZIndex(int index)
          Sets the z-index of this actor.
 void size(float size)
          Adds the specified size to the current size.
 void size(float width, float height)
          Adds the specified size to the current size.
 Vector2 stageToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 stageCoords)
          Transforms the specified point in the stage's coordinates to the actor's local coordinate system.
 void toBack()
          Changes the z-order for this actor so it is in back of all siblings.
 void toFront()
          Changes the z-order for this actor so it is in front of all siblings.
 String toString()
 void translate(float x, float y)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Actor()
Method Detail


public void draw(SpriteBatch batch,
                 float parentAlpha)
Draws the actor. The SpriteBatch is configured to draw in the parent's coordinate system. This draw method is convenient to draw a rotated and scaled TextureRegion. SpriteBatch.begin() has already been called on the SpriteBatch. If SpriteBatch.end() is called to draw without the SpriteBatch then SpriteBatch.begin() must be called before the method returns.

The default implementation does nothing.

parentAlpha - Should be multiplied with the actor's alpha, allowing a parent's alpha to affect all children.


public void act(float delta)
Updates the actor based on time. Typically this is called each frame by Stage.act(float).

The default implementation calls Action.act(float) on each action and removes actions that are complete.

delta - Time in seconds since the last frame.


public boolean fire(Event event)
Sets this actor as the event target and propagates the event to this actor and ancestor actors as necessary. If this actor is not in the stage, the stage must be set before calling this method.

Events are fired in 2 phases.

  1. The first phase (the "capture" phase) notifies listeners on each actor starting at the root and propagating downward to (and including) this actor.
  2. The second phase notifies listeners on each actor starting at this actor and, if Event.getBubbles() is true, propagating upward to the root.
If the event is stopped at any time, it will not propagate to the next actor.

true if the event was cancelled.


public boolean notify(Event event,
                      boolean capture)
Notifies this actor's listeners of the event. The event is not propagated to any parents. Before notifying the listeners, this actor is set as the listener actor. The event target must be set before calling this method. If this actor is not in the stage, the stage must be set before calling this method.

capture - If true, the capture listeners will be notified instead of the regular listeners.
true of the event was cancelled.


public Actor hit(float x,
                 float y,
                 boolean touchable)
Returns the deepest actor that contains the specified point and is touchable and visible, or null if no actor was hit. The point is specified in the actor's local coordinate system (0,0 is the bottom left of the actor and width,height is the upper right).

This method is used to delegate touchDown, mouse, and enter/exit events. If this method returns null, those events will not occur on this Actor.

The default implementation returns this actor if the point is within this actor's bounds.

touchable - If true, the hit detection will respect the touchability.
See Also:


public boolean remove()
Removes this actor from its parent, if it has a parent.

See Also:


public boolean addListener(EventListener listener)
Add a listener to receive events that hit this actor. See fire(Event).

See Also:
InputListener, ClickListener


public boolean removeListener(EventListener listener)


public Array<EventListener> getListeners()


public boolean addCaptureListener(EventListener listener)
Adds a listener that is only notified during the capture phase.

See Also:


public boolean removeCaptureListener(EventListener listener)


public Array<EventListener> getCaptureListeners()


public void addAction(Action action)


public void removeAction(Action action)


public Array<Action> getActions()


public void clearActions()
Removes all actions on this actor.


public void clearListeners()
Removes all listeners on this actor.


public void clear()
Removes all actions and listeners on this actor.


public Stage getStage()
Returns the stage that this actor is currently in, or null if not in a stage.


public boolean isDescendantOf(Actor actor)
Returns true if this actor is the same as or is the descendant of the specified actor.


public boolean isAscendantOf(Actor actor)
Returns true if this actor is the same as or is the ascendant of the specified actor.


public boolean hasParent()
Returns true if the actor's parent is not null.


public Group getParent()
Returns the parent actor, or null if not in a stage.


public Touchable getTouchable()


public void setTouchable(Touchable touchable)
Determines how touch events are distributed to this actor. Default is Touchable.enabled.


public boolean isVisible()


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
If false, the actor will not be drawn and will not receive touch events. Default is true.


public float getX()


public void setX(float x)


public float getY()


public void setY(float y)


public void setPosition(float x,
                        float y)
Sets the x and y.


public void translate(float x,
                      float y)


public float getWidth()


public void setWidth(float width)


public float getHeight()


public void setHeight(float height)


public float getTop()
Returns y plus height.


public float getRight()
Returns x plus width.


public void setSize(float width,
                    float height)
Sets the width and height.


public void size(float size)
Adds the specified size to the current size.


public void size(float width,
                 float height)
Adds the specified size to the current size.


public void setBounds(float x,
                      float y,
                      float width,
                      float height)
Set bounds the x, y, width, and height.


public float getOriginX()


public void setOriginX(float originX)


public float getOriginY()


public void setOriginY(float originY)


public void setOrigin(float originX,
                      float originY)
Sets the originx and originy.


public float getScaleX()


public void setScaleX(float scaleX)


public float getScaleY()


public void setScaleY(float scaleY)


public void setScale(float scale)
Sets the scalex and scaley.


public void setScale(float scaleX,
                     float scaleY)
Sets the scalex and scaley.


public void scale(float scale)
Adds the specified scale to the current scale.


public void scale(float scaleX,
                  float scaleY)
Adds the specified scale to the current scale.


public float getRotation()


public void setRotation(float degrees)


public void rotate(float amountInDegrees)
Adds the specified rotation to the current rotation.


public void setColor(Color color)


public void setColor(float r,
                     float g,
                     float b,
                     float a)


public Color getColor()
Returns the color the actor will be tinted when drawn. The returned instance can be modified to change the color.


public String getName()


public void setName(String name)
Sets a name for easier identification of the actor in application code.

See Also:


public void toFront()
Changes the z-order for this actor so it is in front of all siblings.


public void toBack()
Changes the z-order for this actor so it is in back of all siblings.


public void setZIndex(int index)
Sets the z-index of this actor. The z-index is the index into the parent's children, where a lower index is below a higher index. Setting a z-index higher than the number of children will move the child to the front. Setting a z-index less than zero is invalid.


public int getZIndex()
Returns the z-index of this actor.

See Also:


public boolean clipBegin()
Calls clipBegin(float, float, float, float) to clip this actor's bounds.


public boolean clipBegin(float x,
                         float y,
                         float width,
                         float height)
Clips the specified screen aligned rectangle, specified relative to the transform matrix of the stage's SpriteBatch. The transform matrix and the stage's camera must not have rotational components. Calling this method must be followed by a call to clipEnd() if true is returned.

false if the clipping area is zero and no drawing should occur.
See Also:


public void clipEnd()
Ends clipping begun by clipBegin(float, float, float, float).


public Vector2 screenToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 screenCoords)
Transforms the specified point in screen coordinates to the actor's local coordinate system.


public Vector2 stageToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 stageCoords)
Transforms the specified point in the stage's coordinates to the actor's local coordinate system.


public Vector2 localToStageCoordinates(Vector2 localCoords)
Transforms the specified point in the actor's coordinates to be in the stage's coordinates.

See Also:
Stage.toScreenCoordinates(Vector2, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4)


public Vector2 localToParentCoordinates(Vector2 localCoords)
Transforms the specified point in the actor's coordinates to be in the parent's coordinates.


public Vector2 localToAscendantCoordinates(Actor ascendant,
                                           Vector2 localCoords)
Converts coordinates for this actor to those of a parent actor. The ascendant does not need to be a direct parent.


public Vector2 parentToLocalCoordinates(Vector2 parentCoords)
Converts the coordinates given in the parent's coordinate system to this actor's coordinate system.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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