
Interface Summary
GL20 Interface wrapping all the methods of OpenGL ES 2.0
GL30 OpenGL ES 3.0
TextureData Used by a Texture to load the pixel data.

Class Summary
Camera Base class for OrthographicCamera and PerspectiveCamera.
Color A color class, holding the r, g, b and alpha component as floats in the range [0,1].
Cubemap Wraps a standard OpenGL ES Cubemap.
FPSLogger A simple helper class to log the frames per seconds achieved.
GLTexture Class representing an OpenGL texture by its target and handle.
Mesh A Mesh holds vertices composed of attributes specified by a VertexAttributes instance.
OrthographicCamera A camera with orthographic projection.
PerspectiveCamera A Camera with perspective projection.
Pixmap A Pixmap represents an image in memory.
PixmapIO Writes Pixmaps to various formats.
Texture A Texture wraps a standard OpenGL ES texture.
VertexAttribute A single vertex attribute defined by its VertexAttributes.Usage, its number of components and its shader alias.
VertexAttributes Instances of this class specify the vertex attributes of a mesh.
VertexAttributes.Usage The usage of a vertex attribute.

Enum Summary
Cubemap.CubemapSide Enum to identify each side of a Cubemap
Pixmap.Blending Blending functions to be set with Pixmap.setBlending(
Pixmap.Filter Filters to be used with Pixmap.drawPixmap(Pixmap, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int).
Pixmap.Format Different pixel formats.
TextureData.TextureDataType The type of this TextureData.

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