Class Vector4

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Vector4
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, Vector<Vector4>
    Encapsulates a 4D vector. Allows chaining operations by returning a reference to itself in all modification methods.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      float w
      the w-component of this vector
      static Vector4 W  
      float x
      the x-component of this vector
      static Vector4 X  
      float y
      the y-component of this vector
      static Vector4 Y  
      float z
      the z-component of this vector
      static Vector4 Z  
      static Vector4 Zero  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a vector at (0,0,0,0)
      Vector4​(float[] values)
      Creates a vector from the given array.
      Vector4​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Creates a vector with the given components
      Vector4​(Vector2 vector, float z, float w)
      Creates a vector from the given Vector2 and z- and w-components
      Vector4​(Vector3 vector, float w)
      Creates a vector from the given Vector3 and w-component
      Vector4​(Vector4 vector)
      Creates a vector from the given Vector4
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Vector4 add​(float values)
      Adds the given value to all four components of the vector.
      Vector4 add​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Adds the given components to this vector
      Vector4 add​(Vector4 vector)
      Adds the given vector to this vector
      Vector4 clamp​(float min, float max)
      Clamps this vector's length to given min and max values
      Vector4 cpy()  
      float dot​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Returns the dot product between this and the given vector (given as 4 components).
      static float dot​(float x1, float y1, float z1, float w1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float w2)  
      float dot​(Vector4 vector)  
      float dst​(float x, float y, float z, float w)  
      static float dst​(float x1, float y1, float z1, float w1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float w2)  
      float dst​(Vector4 vector)  
      float dst2​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Returns the squared distance between this point and the given point
      static float dst2​(float x1, float y1, float z1, float w1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float w2)  
      float dst2​(Vector4 point)
      This method is faster than Vector.dst(Vector) because it avoids calculating a square root.
      boolean epsilonEquals​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for its epsilon.
      boolean epsilonEquals​(float x, float y, float z, float w, float epsilon)
      Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
      boolean epsilonEquals​(Vector4 other)
      Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for its epsilon.
      boolean epsilonEquals​(Vector4 other, float epsilon)
      Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      Vector4 fromString​(java.lang.String v)
      Sets this Vector4 to the value represented by the specified string according to the format of toString().
      int hashCode()  
      boolean hasOppositeDirection​(Vector4 vector)  
      boolean hasSameDirection​(Vector4 vector)  
      boolean idt​(Vector4 vector)
      Returns true if this vector and the vector parameter have identical components.
      Vector4 interpolate​(Vector4 target, float alpha, Interpolation interpolator)
      Interpolates between this vector and the given target vector by alpha (within range [0,1]) using the given Interpolation method.
      boolean isCollinear​(Vector4 other)  
      boolean isCollinear​(Vector4 other, float epsilon)  
      boolean isCollinearOpposite​(Vector4 other)  
      boolean isCollinearOpposite​(Vector4 other, float epsilon)  
      boolean isOnLine​(Vector4 other)  
      boolean isOnLine​(Vector4 other, float epsilon)  
      boolean isPerpendicular​(Vector4 vector)  
      boolean isPerpendicular​(Vector4 vector, float epsilon)  
      boolean isUnit()  
      boolean isUnit​(float margin)  
      boolean isZero()  
      boolean isZero​(float margin)  
      float len()  
      static float len​(float x, float y, float z, float w)  
      float len2()
      This method is faster than Vector.len() because it avoids calculating a square root.
      static float len2​(float x, float y, float z, float w)  
      Vector4 lerp​(Vector4 target, float alpha)
      Linearly interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1].
      Vector4 limit​(float limit)
      Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length.
      Vector4 limit2​(float limit2)
      Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length squared.
      Vector4 mulAdd​(Vector4 vec, float scalar)
      First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
      Vector4 mulAdd​(Vector4 vec, Vector4 mulVec)
      First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
      Vector4 nor()
      Normalizes this vector.
      Vector4 scl​(float scalar)
      Multiplies each component of this vector by the given scalar
      Vector4 scl​(float vx, float vy, float vz, float vw)
      Scales this vector by the given values
      Vector4 scl​(Vector4 other)
      Multiplies each component of this vector by the corresponding component in other
      Vector4 set​(float[] values)
      Sets the components from the array.
      Vector4 set​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Sets the vector to the given components
      Vector4 set​(Vector2 vector, float z, float w)
      Sets the components to the given Vector2, z-component and w-component
      Vector4 set​(Vector3 vector, float w)
      Sets the components of the given vector3 and w-component
      Vector4 set​(Vector4 vector)
      Sets this vector from the given vector
      Vector4 setLength​(float len)
      Sets the length of this vector.
      Vector4 setLength2​(float len2)
      Sets the length of this vector, based on the square of the desired length.
      Vector4 setToRandomDirection()
      Sets this vector to the unit vector with a random direction
      Vector4 setZero()
      Sets the components of this vector to 0
      Vector4 sub​(float value)
      Subtracts the given value from all components of this vector
      Vector4 sub​(float x, float y, float z, float w)
      Subtracts the given components from this vector.
      Vector4 sub​(Vector4 a_vec)
      Subtracts the given vector from this vector.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Converts this Vector4 to a string in the format (x,y,z,w).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • x

        public float x
        the x-component of this vector
      • y

        public float y
        the y-component of this vector
      • z

        public float z
        the z-component of this vector
      • w

        public float w
        the w-component of this vector
      • Zero

        public static final Vector4 Zero
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vector4

        public Vector4()
        Constructs a vector at (0,0,0,0)
      • Vector4

        public Vector4​(float x,
                       float y,
                       float z,
                       float w)
        Creates a vector with the given components
        x - The x-component
        y - The y-component
        z - The z-component
        w - The w-component *
      • Vector4

        public Vector4​(Vector4 vector)
        Creates a vector from the given Vector4
        vector - The vector
      • Vector4

        public Vector4​(float[] values)
        Creates a vector from the given array. The array must have at least 4 elements.
        values - The array
      • Vector4

        public Vector4​(Vector2 vector,
                       float z,
                       float w)
        Creates a vector from the given Vector2 and z- and w-components
        vector - The vector
        z - The z-component
        w - The w-component
      • Vector4

        public Vector4​(Vector3 vector,
                       float w)
        Creates a vector from the given Vector3 and w-component
        vector - The vector
        w - The w-component
    • Method Detail

      • set

        public Vector4 set​(float x,
                           float y,
                           float z,
                           float w)
        Sets the vector to the given components
        x - The x-component
        y - The y-component
        z - The z-component
        w - The w-component
        this vector for chaining
      • set

        public Vector4 set​(Vector4 vector)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Sets this vector from the given vector
        Specified by:
        set in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vector - The vector
        This vector for chaining
      • set

        public Vector4 set​(float[] values)
        Sets the components from the array. The array must have at least 4 elements
        values - The array
        this vector for chaining
      • set

        public Vector4 set​(Vector2 vector,
                           float z,
                           float w)
        Sets the components to the given Vector2, z-component and w-component
        vector - The vector2 holding the x- and y-components
        z - The z-component
        w - The w-component
        This vector for chaining
      • set

        public Vector4 set​(Vector3 vector,
                           float w)
        Sets the components of the given vector3 and w-component
        vector - The vector
        w - The w-component
        This vector for chaining
      • setToRandomDirection

        public Vector4 setToRandomDirection()
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Sets this vector to the unit vector with a random direction
        Specified by:
        setToRandomDirection in interface Vector<Vector4>
        This vector for chaining
      • add

        public Vector4 add​(Vector4 vector)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Adds the given vector to this vector
        Specified by:
        add in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vector - The vector
        This vector for chaining
      • add

        public Vector4 add​(float x,
                           float y,
                           float z,
                           float w)
        Adds the given components to this vector
        x - Added to the x-component
        y - Added to the y-component
        z - Added to the z-component
        w - Added to the w-component
        This vector for chaining.
      • add

        public Vector4 add​(float values)
        Adds the given value to all four components of the vector.
        values - The value
        This vector for chaining
      • sub

        public Vector4 sub​(Vector4 a_vec)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Subtracts the given vector from this vector.
        Specified by:
        sub in interface Vector<Vector4>
        a_vec - The vector
        This vector for chaining
      • sub

        public Vector4 sub​(float x,
                           float y,
                           float z,
                           float w)
        Subtracts the given components from this vector.
        x - Subtracted from the x-component
        y - Subtracted from the y-component
        z - Subtracted from the z-component
        w - Subtracted from the w-component
        This vector for chaining
      • sub

        public Vector4 sub​(float value)
        Subtracts the given value from all components of this vector
        value - The value
        This vector for chaining
      • scl

        public Vector4 scl​(float scalar)
        Multiplies each component of this vector by the given scalar
        Specified by:
        scl in interface Vector<Vector4>
        scalar - Each component will be multiplied by this float
        This vector for chaining
      • scl

        public Vector4 scl​(Vector4 other)
        Multiplies each component of this vector by the corresponding component in other
        Specified by:
        scl in interface Vector<Vector4>
        other - Another Vector4 that will be used to scale this
        This vector for chaining
      • scl

        public Vector4 scl​(float vx,
                           float vy,
                           float vz,
                           float vw)
        Scales this vector by the given values
        vx - Multiplied with the X value
        vy - Multiplied with the Y value
        vz - Multiplied with the Z value
        vw - Multiplied with the W value
        This vector for chaining
      • mulAdd

        public Vector4 mulAdd​(Vector4 vec,
                              float scalar)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
        Specified by:
        mulAdd in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vec - addition vector
        scalar - for scaling the addition vector
      • mulAdd

        public Vector4 mulAdd​(Vector4 vec,
                              Vector4 mulVec)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        First scale a supplied vector, then add it to this vector.
        Specified by:
        mulAdd in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vec - addition vector
        mulVec - vector by whose values the addition vector will be scaled
      • len

        public static float len​(float x,
                                float y,
                                float z,
                                float w)
        The Euclidean length
      • len

        public float len()
        Specified by:
        len in interface Vector<Vector4>
        The Euclidean length
      • len2

        public static float len2​(float x,
                                 float y,
                                 float z,
                                 float w)
        The squared Euclidean length
      • len2

        public float len2()
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        This method is faster than Vector.len() because it avoids calculating a square root. It is useful for comparisons, but not for getting exact lengths, as the return value is the square of the actual length.
        Specified by:
        len2 in interface Vector<Vector4>
        The squared Euclidean length
      • idt

        public boolean idt​(Vector4 vector)
        Returns true if this vector and the vector parameter have identical components.
        vector - The other vector
        Whether this and the other vector are equal with exact precision
      • dst

        public static float dst​(float x1,
                                float y1,
                                float z1,
                                float w1,
                                float x2,
                                float y2,
                                float z2,
                                float w2)
        The Euclidean distance between the two specified vectors
      • dst

        public float dst​(Vector4 vector)
        Specified by:
        dst in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vector - The other vector
        the distance between this and the other vector
      • dst

        public float dst​(float x,
                         float y,
                         float z,
                         float w)
        the distance between this point and the given point
      • dst2

        public static float dst2​(float x1,
                                 float y1,
                                 float z1,
                                 float w1,
                                 float x2,
                                 float y2,
                                 float z2,
                                 float w2)
        the squared distance between the given points
      • dst2

        public float dst2​(Vector4 point)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        This method is faster than Vector.dst(Vector) because it avoids calculating a square root. It is useful for comparisons, but not for getting accurate distances, as the return value is the square of the actual distance.
        Specified by:
        dst2 in interface Vector<Vector4>
        point - The other vector
        the squared distance between this and the other vector
      • dst2

        public float dst2​(float x,
                          float y,
                          float z,
                          float w)
        Returns the squared distance between this point and the given point
        x - The x-component of the other point
        y - The y-component of the other point
        z - The z-component of the other point
        w - The w-component of the other point
        The squared distance
      • nor

        public Vector4 nor()
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Normalizes this vector. Does nothing if it is zero.
        Specified by:
        nor in interface Vector<Vector4>
        This vector for chaining
      • dot

        public static float dot​(float x1,
                                float y1,
                                float z1,
                                float w1,
                                float x2,
                                float y2,
                                float z2,
                                float w2)
        The dot product between the two vectors
      • dot

        public float dot​(Vector4 vector)
        Specified by:
        dot in interface Vector<Vector4>
        vector - The other vector
        The dot product between this and the other vector
      • dot

        public float dot​(float x,
                         float y,
                         float z,
                         float w)
        Returns the dot product between this and the given vector (given as 4 components).
        x - The x-component of the other vector
        y - The y-component of the other vector
        z - The z-component of the other vector
        w - The w-component of the other vector
        The dot product
      • isUnit

        public boolean isUnit()
        Specified by:
        isUnit in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector is a unit length vector
      • isUnit

        public boolean isUnit​(float margin)
        Specified by:
        isUnit in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector is a unit length vector within the given margin.
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero()
        Specified by:
        isZero in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector is a zero vector
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero​(float margin)
        Specified by:
        isZero in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether the length of this vector is smaller than the given margin
      • isOnLine

        public boolean isOnLine​(Vector4 other,
                                float epsilon)
        Specified by:
        isOnLine in interface Vector<Vector4>
        true if this vector is in line with the other vector (either in the same or the opposite direction)
      • isOnLine

        public boolean isOnLine​(Vector4 other)
        Specified by:
        isOnLine in interface Vector<Vector4>
        true if this vector is in line with the other vector (either in the same or the opposite direction)
      • isPerpendicular

        public boolean isPerpendicular​(Vector4 vector)
        Specified by:
        isPerpendicular in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector is perpendicular with the other vector. True if the dot product is 0.
      • isPerpendicular

        public boolean isPerpendicular​(Vector4 vector,
                                       float epsilon)
        Specified by:
        isPerpendicular in interface Vector<Vector4>
        epsilon - a positive small number close to zero
        Whether this vector is perpendicular with the other vector. True if the dot product is 0.
      • hasSameDirection

        public boolean hasSameDirection​(Vector4 vector)
        Specified by:
        hasSameDirection in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector has similar direction compared to the other vector. True if the normalized dot product is > 0.
      • hasOppositeDirection

        public boolean hasOppositeDirection​(Vector4 vector)
        Specified by:
        hasOppositeDirection in interface Vector<Vector4>
        Whether this vector has opposite direction compared to the other vector. True if the normalized dot product is < 0.
      • lerp

        public Vector4 lerp​(Vector4 target,
                            float alpha)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Linearly interpolates between this vector and the target vector by alpha which is in the range [0,1]. The result is stored in this vector.
        Specified by:
        lerp in interface Vector<Vector4>
        target - The target vector
        alpha - The interpolation coefficient
        This vector for chaining.
      • interpolate

        public Vector4 interpolate​(Vector4 target,
                                   float alpha,
                                   Interpolation interpolator)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Interpolates between this vector and the given target vector by alpha (within range [0,1]) using the given Interpolation method. the result is stored in this vector.
        Specified by:
        interpolate in interface Vector<Vector4>
        target - The target vector
        alpha - The interpolation coefficient
        interpolator - An Interpolation object describing the used interpolation method
        This vector for chaining.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Converts this Vector4 to a string in the format (x,y,z,w). Strings with this exact format can be parsed with fromString(String).
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a string representation of this object.
      • fromString

        public Vector4 fromString​(java.lang.String v)
        Sets this Vector4 to the value represented by the specified string according to the format of toString().
        v - the string.
        this vector, set with the value from v, for chaining
      • limit

        public Vector4 limit​(float limit)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length.
        Specified by:
        limit in interface Vector<Vector4>
        limit - desired maximum length for this vector
        this vector for chaining
      • limit2

        public Vector4 limit2​(float limit2)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Limits the length of this vector, based on the desired maximum length squared.

        This method is slightly faster than limit().

        Specified by:
        limit2 in interface Vector<Vector4>
        limit2 - squared desired maximum length for this vector
        this vector for chaining
        See Also:
      • setLength

        public Vector4 setLength​(float len)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Sets the length of this vector. Does nothing if this vector is zero.
        Specified by:
        setLength in interface Vector<Vector4>
        len - desired length for this vector
        this vector for chaining
      • setLength2

        public Vector4 setLength2​(float len2)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Sets the length of this vector, based on the square of the desired length. Does nothing if this vector is zero.

        This method is slightly faster than setLength().

        Specified by:
        setLength2 in interface Vector<Vector4>
        len2 - desired square of the length for this vector
        this vector for chaining
        See Also:
      • clamp

        public Vector4 clamp​(float min,
                             float max)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Clamps this vector's length to given min and max values
        Specified by:
        clamp in interface Vector<Vector4>
        min - Min length
        max - Max length
        This vector for chaining
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • epsilonEquals

        public boolean epsilonEquals​(Vector4 other,
                                     float epsilon)
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
        Specified by:
        epsilonEquals in interface Vector<Vector4>
        whether the vectors have fuzzy equality.
      • epsilonEquals

        public boolean epsilonEquals​(float x,
                                     float y,
                                     float z,
                                     float w,
                                     float epsilon)
        Compares this vector with the other vector, using the supplied epsilon for fuzzy equality testing.
        x - x component of the other vector to compare
        y - y component of the other vector to compare
        z - z component of the other vector to compare
        w - w component of the other vector to compare
        epsilon - how much error to tolerate and still consider two floats equal
        whether the vectors are the same.
      • epsilonEquals

        public boolean epsilonEquals​(Vector4 other)
        Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for its epsilon.
        other - other vector to compare
        true if the vectors are equal, otherwise false
      • epsilonEquals

        public boolean epsilonEquals​(float x,
                                     float y,
                                     float z,
                                     float w)
        Compares this vector with the other vector using MathUtils.FLOAT_ROUNDING_ERROR for its epsilon.
        x - x component of the other vector to compare
        y - y component of the other vector to compare
        z - z component of the other vector to compare
        w - w component of the other vector to compare
        true if the vectors are equal, otherwise false
      • setZero

        public Vector4 setZero()
        Description copied from interface: Vector
        Sets the components of this vector to 0
        Specified by:
        setZero in interface Vector<Vector4>
        This vector for chaining