All Classes and Interfaces

This abstract class provides the canonical mapping from annotating with string input to annotating with AnnotatedText input.
The root of the data model.
Builder class for AnnotatedText objects.
An Annotator annotates text with attributes.
Arabic morphological analysis.
Builder class for ArabicMorphoAnalysis.
Base class for attributes that span a range of text.
Base class for builders for attributes that inherit from Attribute.
Base class for attributes that annotate text.
Base class for builders for the subclasses of BaseAttribute.
A base noun phrase.
Builder for base noun phrase attributes.
Associates a label with a document.
A builder for classifier results.
An annotator that applies a series of annotators.
A reference to a high-level "concept" of a document.
A Builder for concepts
An inter-token dependency from a parser.
Builder for Dependency.
A vector of embeddings for some vector of items in an AnnotatedText.
Builder class for EmbeddingsCollection.
Embeddings for a text.
The embedding name.
A reference to a "real world" entity.
A builder for resolved entities.
This class is replaced by Mention.
A builder for entity mentions.
An evidence for a relationship mention component, pointing to the exact span in the raw text that implies the existence of this component The offsets refer to a half-open range of characters (UTF-16 elements) Note that Extents have no properties of their own.
Builder for Extent attributes.
Morphological analysis objects for Chinese and Japanese.
A builder for HanMorphoAnalysis.
A reference to a "keyphrase" of a document.
A builder for keyphrases
Morphological analysis objects for Korean.
A builder for KoreanMorphoAnalysis.
The results of running language detection on a region of text.
A builder for language detection results.
A single result from language detection.
Builder for detection results.
Layout defines text as spans defined by structured or unstructured regions.
Builder for layout regions.
Layout types
A container for an ordered collection of attributes of a type.
A builder for lists.
A container for a keyed collection of attributes of a type.
A mention of a entity in the text.
A builder for entity mentions.
A MorphoAnalysis contains all the results of analyzing a word, or something like a word.
Builder for MorphoAnalysis.
A name of something in the world.
Builder for Name.
A container for incoming raw data (bytes).
A Relationship Component: a building block of a relationship mention, such as an argument, predicate or adjunct.
A Relationship Mention describes arguments in a sentence and a predicate that connects them.
replaced by Entity.
A builder for resolved entities.
A script region.
Builder for script regions.
A Sentence.
Builder for Sentence attributes.
A term with some semantic similarity to an AnnotatedText.
Builder class for SimilarTerm
Enumeration for part of speech tag sets used in Basis products.
The token.
Builder for tokens.
A translation of the text.
Builder class for TranslatedData.
A list of translations for the tokens.
Builder class for TranslatedTokens.
Builder for immutable TransliterationResults
Class used for future-proof representation of attributes in json that we don't have classes for.
An annotator that delegates to one of a collection of per-language annotators.
Fluent builder for annotators that delegate to other annotators based on the language from AnnotatedText.getWholeTextLanguageDetection().