
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def downloadURL(region: AmazonRegion, bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey): S3DownloadURL
def resource[F[_]](config: S3Config)(implicit F: Async[F]): Resource[F, AmazonS3Client[F]]
def resourceWithFixedBucket[F[_]](config: S3Config)(implicit F: Async[F]): Resource[F, AmazonS3ClientForBucket[F]]
def unsafe[F[_]](config: S3Config)(implicit evidence$1: Async[F]): AmazonS3Client[F]

Please use resource, there's no reasonable way to close the underlying S3Client

Please use resource, there's no reasonable way to close the underlying S3Client

def unsafeWithFixedBucket[F[_]](config: S3Config)(implicit evidence$2: Async[F]): AmazonS3ClientForBucket[F]

Please use resource, there's no reasonable way to close the underlying S3Client

Please use resource, there's no reasonable way to close the underlying S3Client