
trait AmazonS3Client[F[_]]

10 Jul 2019

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def copy(fromBucket: S3Bucket, fromKey: S3FileKey, toBucket: S3Bucket, toKey: S3FileKey): F[Unit]
def createBucket(bucket: S3Bucket): F[Unit]
def delete(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey): F[Unit]
def deleteBucket(bucket: S3Bucket): F[Unit]
def exists(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey): F[Boolean]
def get(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey): F[S3BinaryContent]
def getMetadata(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey): F[S3Metadata]
def getStream(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey, chunkSize: Int): S3BinaryStream[F]
def initBucket(bucket: S3Bucket): F[Unit]

Creates a bucket if it doesn't already exist. Does not change existing buckets, does not fail if bucket already exist.

Creates a bucket if it doesn't already exist. Does not change existing buckets, does not fail if bucket already exist.

def list(bucket: S3Bucket, prefix: S3Path): F[List[S3FileKey]]
def listBuckets: F[List[S3Bucket]]
def put(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey, content: S3BinaryContent): F[Unit]
def putStream(bucket: S3Bucket, key: S3FileKey, content: S3BinaryStream[F]): F[Unit]
def unsafeJavaClient: S3AsyncClient

Here until the API is more complete, please use with care especially because of all the thread management

Here until the API is more complete, please use with care especially because of all the thread management

N.B. DO NOT close this manually, unless you know what you're doing. This should be handled by the Resource[F, AmazonS3Client] constructor in the companion object.

See also for hints on how to use everything.