
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


VALIDATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProcessingState.ProcessingStateEnum
VALIDATION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationState.ImportOperationStateEnum
VALIDATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProcessingState
Either the request payload is missing the data as per Import API specifications, or even though the references were resolved, the data does not meet validation constraints.
VALIDATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationState
The validation of the import resource failed.
validationFailed(Long) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.importsummaries.OperationStatesBuilder
The number of resources in the validationFailed state.
validFrom(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemPriceBuilder
Maps to Price.validFrom.
validFrom(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.prices.PriceImportBuilder
Maps to Price.validFrom.
validFrom(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.PriceDraftImportBuilder
set the value to the validFrom
validFrom(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.standalone_prices.StandalonePriceImportBuilder
Sets the date from which the Price is valid.
validUntil(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemPriceBuilder
Maps to Price.validUntil.
validUntil(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.prices.PriceImportBuilder
Maps to Price.validUntil.
validUntil(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.PriceDraftImportBuilder
set the value to the validUntil
validUntil(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.standalone_prices.StandalonePriceImportBuilder
Sets the date until the Price is valid.
value(KeyReference) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.ReferenceFieldBuilder
References a resource by key
value(KeyReference) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.ReferenceAttributeBuilder
References a resource by key.
value(KeyReference...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.ReferenceSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(KeyReference...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.ReferenceSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalizedString) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedStringFieldBuilder
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
value(LocalizedString) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableTextAttributeBuilder
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
value(LocalizedString...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedStringSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalizedString...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableTextSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(Money) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.DiscountedLineItemPriceDraftBuilder
set the value to the value
value(Money...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.MoneySetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.DiscountedPriceBuilder
set the value to the value
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.PriceTierBuilder
The currency of a price tier is always the same as the currency of the base Price.
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.MoneyFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemPriceBuilder
Maps to Price.value.
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.prices.PriceImportBuilder
Maps to Price.value.
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.PriceDraftImportBuilder
set the value to the value
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.MoneyAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(TypedMoney) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.standalone_prices.StandalonePriceImportBuilder
Sets the money value of this Price.
value(TypedMoney...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.MoneySetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(Boolean) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.BooleanFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(Boolean) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.BooleanAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(Boolean...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.BooleanSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(Boolean...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.BooleanSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(Double) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.NumberFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(Double) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.NumberAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(Double...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.NumberSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(Double...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.NumberSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.EnumFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedEnumFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.StringFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.CartClassificationTierBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.EnumAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableEnumAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TextAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.EnumSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedEnumSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.StringSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.EnumSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableEnumSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(String...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TextSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalDate) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(LocalDate) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(LocalDate...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalDate...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.TimeFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(LocalTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TimeAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(LocalTime...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.TimeSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(LocalTime...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TimeSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateTimeFieldBuilder
set the value to the value
value(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateTimeAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value
value(ZonedDateTime...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateTimeSetFieldBuilder
set values to the value
value(ZonedDateTime...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateTimeSetAttributeBuilder
set values to the value
value(Function<KeyReferenceBuilder, Builder<? extends KeyReference>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.ReferenceFieldBuilder
References a resource by key
value(Function<KeyReferenceBuilder, Builder<? extends KeyReference>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.ReferenceAttributeBuilder
References a resource by key.
value(Function<LocalizedStringBuilder, LocalizedStringBuilder>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedStringFieldBuilder
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
value(Function<LocalizedStringBuilder, LocalizedStringBuilder>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableTextAttributeBuilder
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
value(Function<MoneyBuilder, MoneyBuilder>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.DiscountedLineItemPriceDraftBuilder
set the value to the value using the builder function
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.DiscountedPriceBuilder
set the value to the value using the builder function
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.PriceTierBuilder
The currency of a price tier is always the same as the currency of the base Price.
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.MoneyFieldBuilder
set the value to the value using the builder function
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemPriceBuilder
Maps to Price.value.
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.prices.PriceImportBuilder
Maps to Price.value.
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.PriceDraftImportBuilder
set the value to the value using the builder function
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.MoneyAttributeBuilder
set the value to the value using the builder function
value(Function<TypedMoneyBuilder, Builder<? extends TypedMoney>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.standalone_prices.StandalonePriceImportBuilder
Sets the money value of this Price.
value(List<KeyReference>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.ReferenceSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<KeyReference>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.ReferenceSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedStringSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalizedString>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableTextSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<Money>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.MoneySetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<TypedMoney>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.MoneySetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<Boolean>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.BooleanSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<Boolean>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.BooleanSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<Double>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.NumberSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<Double>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.NumberSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.EnumSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.LocalizedEnumSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.StringSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.EnumSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.LocalizableEnumSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TextSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalDate>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalDate>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalTime>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.TimeSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<LocalTime>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.TimeSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.DateTimeSetFieldBuilder
set value to the value
value(List<ZonedDateTime>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.DateTimeSetAttributeBuilder
set value to the value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.defaultconfig.ServiceRegion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ImportResourceType.ImportResourceTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.MoneyType.MoneyTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProcessingState.ProcessingStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProductPriceModeEnum.ProductPriceModeEnumEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ReferenceType.ReferenceTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.customers.AuthenticationMode.AuthenticationModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationState.ImportOperationStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.order_patches.ReturnShipmentState.ReturnShipmentStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.CartOrigin.CartOriginEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.DiscountCodeState.DiscountCodeStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.InventoryMode.InventoryModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.OrderState.OrderStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.PaymentState.PaymentStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.RoundingMode.RoundingModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShipmentState.ShipmentStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingMethodState.ShippingMethodStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateInputType.ShippingRateInputTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateTierType.ShippingRateTierTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxCalculationMode.TaxCalculationModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxMode.TaxModeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeConstraintEnum.AttributeConstraintEnumEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.TextInputHint.TextInputHintEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldReferenceValue.CustomFieldReferenceValueEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.ResourceTypeId.ResourceTypeIdEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.TypeTextInputHint.TypeTextInputHintEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.defaultconfig.ServiceRegion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.json.AttributesMixin
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ImportResourceType.ImportResourceTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ImportResourceType
possible enum values
values() - Method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.LocalizedString
values() - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.LocalizedStringImpl
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.MoneyType.MoneyTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.MoneyType
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProcessingState.ProcessingStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProcessingState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProductPriceModeEnum.ProductPriceModeEnumEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ProductPriceModeEnum
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ReferenceType.ReferenceTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.ReferenceType
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.customers.AuthenticationMode.AuthenticationModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.customers.AuthenticationMode
possible enum values
values() - Method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.FieldContainer
Mapping from the Custom Field name to the actual value.
values() - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.FieldContainerImpl
Mapping from the Custom Field name to the actual value.
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationState.ImportOperationStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.order_patches.ReturnShipmentState.ReturnShipmentStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.order_patches.ReturnShipmentState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.CartOrigin.CartOriginEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.CartOrigin
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.DiscountCodeState.DiscountCodeStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.DiscountCodeState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.InventoryMode.InventoryModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.InventoryMode
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.OrderState.OrderStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.OrderState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.PaymentState.PaymentStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.PaymentState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.RoundingMode.RoundingModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.RoundingMode
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShipmentState.ShipmentStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShipmentState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingMethodState.ShippingMethodStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingMethodState
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateInputType.ShippingRateInputTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateInputType
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateTierType.ShippingRateTierTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.ShippingRateTierType
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxCalculationMode.TaxCalculationModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxCalculationMode
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxMode.TaxModeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.TaxMode
possible enum values
values() - Method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.products.SearchKeywords
values() - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.products.SearchKeywordsImpl
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeConstraintEnum.AttributeConstraintEnumEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeConstraintEnum
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.TextInputHint.TextInputHintEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.TextInputHint
possible enum values
values() - Method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.Attributes
The name of the attribute is given by the key and shouldn't be set on the attribute itself.
values() - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.AttributesImpl
The name of the attribute is given by the key and shouldn't be set on the attribute itself.
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldReferenceValue.CustomFieldReferenceValueEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldReferenceValue
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.ResourceTypeId.ResourceTypeIdEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.ResourceTypeId
possible enum values
values() - Static method in enum com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.TypeTextInputHint.TypeTextInputHintEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in interface com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.TypeTextInputHint
possible enum values
values(AttributeLocalizedEnumValue...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder
set values to the values
values(AttributePlainEnumValue...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeEnumTypeBuilder
set values to the values
values(CustomFieldEnumValue...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldEnumTypeBuilder
Allowed values.
values(CustomFieldLocalizedEnumValue...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder
Allowed values.
values(List<AttributeLocalizedEnumValue>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder
set value to the values
values(List<AttributePlainEnumValue>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.producttypes.AttributeEnumTypeBuilder
set value to the values
values(List<CustomFieldEnumValue>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldEnumTypeBuilder
Allowed values.
values(List<CustomFieldLocalizedEnumValue>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.types.CustomFieldLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder
Allowed values.
values(Map<String, CustomField>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customfields.FieldContainerBuilder
Mapping from the Custom Field name to the actual value.
values(Map<String, Attribute>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productvariants.AttributesBuilder
The name of the attribute is given by the key and shouldn't be set on the attribute itself.
values(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.common.LocalizedStringBuilder
assign pattern properties to the builder
values(Map<String, List<SearchKeyword>>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.products.SearchKeywordsBuilder
assign pattern properties to the builder
variant(LineItemProductVariantImportDraft) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemImportDraftBuilder
Maps to ProductVariantImportDraft.
variant(Function<LineItemProductVariantImportDraftBuilder, LineItemProductVariantImportDraftBuilder>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.orders.LineItemImportDraftBuilder
Maps to ProductVariantImportDraft.
variants(ProductVariantDraftImport...) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.ProductDraftImportBuilder
An array of related Product Variants.
variants(List<ProductVariantDraftImport>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.productdrafts.ProductDraftImportBuilder
An array of related Product Variants.
variantValues(VariantValues) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors.DuplicateVariantValuesErrorBuilder
The offending variant values.
variantValues(Function<VariantValuesBuilder, VariantValuesBuilder>) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors.DuplicateVariantValuesErrorBuilder
The offending variant values.
VariantValues - Interface in com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors
VariantValues Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
VariantValuesBuilder - Class in com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors
VariantValuesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
VariantValuesBuilder() - Constructor for class com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors.VariantValuesBuilder
VariantValuesImpl - Class in com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors
VariantValuesImpl() - Constructor for class com.commercetools.importapi.models.errors.VariantValuesImpl
create empty instance
vatId(String) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.customers.CustomerImportBuilder
Maps to Customer.vatId.
version(Long) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.importcontainers.ImportContainerBuilder
The version of the ImportContainer.
version(Long) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.importcontainers.ImportContainerUpdateDraftBuilder
Current version of the ImportContainer.
version(Long) - Method in class com.commercetools.importapi.models.importoperations.ImportOperationBuilder
The version of the ImportOperation.
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