
case class EndpointSlice(addressType: String, endpoints: Vector[Endpoint], metadata: Optional[ObjectMeta], ports: Optional[Vector[EndpointPort]])

EndpointSlice represents a subset of the endpoints that implement a service. For a given service there may be multiple EndpointSlice objects, selected by labels, which must be joined to produce the full set of endpoints.

Value parameters:

addressType specifies the type of address carried by this EndpointSlice. All addresses in this slice must be the same type. This field is immutable after creation. The following address types are currently supported: * IPv4: Represents an IPv4 Address. * IPv6: Represents an IPv6 Address. * FQDN: Represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name.


endpoints is a list of unique endpoints in this slice. Each slice may include a maximum of 1000 endpoints.


ports specifies the list of network ports exposed by each endpoint in this slice. Each port must have a unique name. When ports is empty, it indicates that there are no defined ports. When a port is defined with a nil port value, it indicates "all ports". Each slice may include a maximum of 100 ports.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

addressType specifies the type of address carried by this EndpointSlice. All addresses in this slice must be the same type. This field is immutable after creation. The following address types are currently supported: * IPv4: Represents an IPv4 Address. * IPv6: Represents an IPv6 Address. * FQDN: Represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name.

addressType specifies the type of address carried by this EndpointSlice. All addresses in this slice must be the same type. This field is immutable after creation. The following address types are currently supported: * IPv4: Represents an IPv4 Address. * IPv6: Represents an IPv6 Address. * FQDN: Represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field addressType directly.

endpoints is a list of unique endpoints in this slice. Each slice may include a maximum of 1000 endpoints.

endpoints is a list of unique endpoints in this slice. Each slice may include a maximum of 1000 endpoints.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field endpoints directly.

Gets metadata.

Gets metadata.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

ports specifies the list of network ports exposed by each endpoint in this slice. Each port must have a unique name. When ports is empty, it indicates that there are no defined ports. When a port is defined with a nil port value, it indicates "all ports". Each slice may include a maximum of 100 ports.

ports specifies the list of network ports exposed by each endpoint in this slice. Each port must have a unique name. When ports is empty, it indicates that there are no defined ports. When a port is defined with a nil port value, it indicates "all ports". Each slice may include a maximum of 100 ports.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

Inherited methods

def attachOwner(ownerName: String, ownerUid: String, ownerType: K8sResourceType, kind: String): EndpointSlice
Implicitly added by Ops

Attach another resource as the owner of this one

Attach another resource as the owner of this one

Value parameters:

Owner's resource kind


Owner's name


Owner's resource type metadata


Owner's UID


Object with the attached owner described in its metadata

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Gets the geneation of the object or 0 if it is new

Gets the geneation of the object or 0 if it is new

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Gets the metadata of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Gets the metadata of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Gets the name of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Gets the name of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Gets the UID of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Gets the UID of the object and fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if it is not present

Inherited from:
def isOwnedBy[OwnerT : ResourceMetadata](owner: OwnerT): Boolean
Implicitly added by Ops

Verifies ownership between the resources

Verifies ownership between the resources

Type parameters:

Type of the owner resource

Value parameters:

Possible owner of this resource


True if owner owns this resource

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Creates a new object with its metadata modified by the given function f

Creates a new object with its metadata modified by the given function f

Value parameters:

Function to modify the object's metadata with


Object with modified metadata

Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Gets the metadata of the object

Gets the metadata of the object

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Implicitly added by Ops

Tries to attach another resource as the owner of this one. Can fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if the owner does not have all the required metadata.

Tries to attach another resource as the owner of this one. Can fail with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField if the owner does not have all the required metadata.

Type parameters:

Type of the owner

Value parameters:

Owner resource


Object with the attached owner described in its metadata

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

override protected val impl: K8sObject[EndpointSlice]
Implicitly added by Ops
protected val obj: EndpointSlice
Implicitly added by Ops