
case class NonResourcePolicyRule(nonResourceURLs: Vector[String], verbs: Vector[String])

NonResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches non-resource requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL. A NonResourcePolicyRule matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request and (b) at least one member of nonResourceURLs matches the request.

Value parameters:

nonResourceURLs is a set of url prefixes that a user should have access to and may not be empty. For example:

  • "/healthz" is legal
  • "/hea*" is illegal
  • "/hea" is legal but matches nothing
  • "/hea/*" also matches nothing
  • "/healthz/" matches all per-component health checks. "" matches all non-resource urls. if it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

verbs is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs. If it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

nonResourceURLs is a set of url prefixes that a user should have access to and may not be empty. For example:

nonResourceURLs is a set of url prefixes that a user should have access to and may not be empty. For example:

  • "/healthz" is legal
  • "/hea*" is illegal
  • "/hea" is legal but matches nothing
  • "/hea/*" also matches nothing
  • "/healthz/" matches all per-component health checks. "" matches all non-resource urls. if it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field nonResourceURLs directly.

verbs is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs. If it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

verbs is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs. If it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field verbs directly.

Inherited methods

Inherited from: