Interface BucketRefresher

    • Method Detail

      • register

        Mono<Void> register​(String name)
        Registers a bucket for refreshing.
        name - the name of the bucket.
        a Mono once complete.
      • deregister

        Mono<Void> deregister​(String name)
        Deregisters a bucket from refreshing (stopping the refresh).
        name - the name of the bucket.
        a Mono once complete.
      • registered

        Set<String> registered()
        Returns the names of all registered buckets.
        all registered buckets.
      • markTainted

        void markTainted​(String name)
        Marks the bucket as tainted, which will change the behavior of the refresher.

        A config is marked as tainted during rebalance, which usually leads to shorter intervals of checking if a new configuration exists (depending of the refresher impl).

        name - the name of the bucket.
      • markUntainted

        void markUntainted​(String name)
        Marks the bucket as untainted, which will change the behavior of the refresher.

        A config is marked as tainted during rebalance, which usually leads to shorter intervals of checking if a new configuration exists (depending of the refresher impl).

        name - the name of the bucket.
      • shutdown

        Mono<Void> shutdown()
        Permanently shuts down the refresher.
        a Mono once complete.