Class KeyValueBucketRefresher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class KeyValueBucketRefresher
    extends Object
    implements BucketRefresher
    The KeyValueBucketRefresher keeps configs up-to-date through the KV service.

    The KV refresher works by proactively polling for new configurations against all open, registered buckets. It tries to iterate through all available KV nodes so that even if one or more are not available we'll eventually are able to get a proper, good config to work with.

    Once a config is retrieved it is sent to the config manager which then decides if it is going to apply or discard the config.

    • Method Detail

      • pollerInterval

        protected Duration pollerInterval()
        Allows to override the default poller interval in tests to speed them up.
        the poller interval as a duration.
      • deregister

        public Mono<Void> deregister​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: BucketRefresher
        Deregisters a bucket from refreshing (stopping the refresh).
        Specified by:
        deregister in interface BucketRefresher
        name - the name of the bucket.
        a Mono once complete.
      • markTainted

        public void markTainted​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: BucketRefresher
        Marks the bucket as tainted, which will change the behavior of the refresher.

        A config is marked as tainted during rebalance, which usually leads to shorter intervals of checking if a new configuration exists (depending of the refresher impl).

        Specified by:
        markTainted in interface BucketRefresher
        name - the name of the bucket.
      • markUntainted

        public void markUntainted​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: BucketRefresher
        Marks the bucket as untainted, which will change the behavior of the refresher.

        A config is marked as tainted during rebalance, which usually leads to shorter intervals of checking if a new configuration exists (depending of the refresher impl).

        Specified by:
        markUntainted in interface BucketRefresher
        name - the name of the bucket.