Class BeanDeserializerBuilder

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializerBuilder

public class BeanDeserializerBuilder
extends Object

Builder class used for aggregating deserialization information about a POJO, in order to build a JsonDeserializer for deserializing intances.

Field Summary
protected  SettableAnyProperty _anySetter
          Fallback setter used for handling any properties that are not mapped to regular setters.
protected  HashMap<String,SettableBeanProperty> _backRefProperties
          Back-reference properties this bean contains (if any)
protected  BeanDescription _beanDesc
protected  JsonPOJOBuilder.Value _builderConfig
          In addition, Builder may have additional configuration
protected  AnnotatedMethod _buildMethod
          When creating Builder-based deserializers, this indicates method to call on builder to finalize value.
protected  boolean _defaultViewInclusion
protected  HashSet<String> _ignorableProps
          Set of names of properties that are recognized but are to be ignored for deserialization purposes (meaning no exception is thrown, value is just skipped).
protected  boolean _ignoreAllUnknown
          Flag that can be set to ignore and skip unknown properties.
protected  List<ValueInjector> _injectables
          Value injectors for deserialization
protected  ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader
protected  Map<String,SettableBeanProperty> _properties
          Properties to deserialize collected so far.
protected  ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
          Object that will handle value instantiation for the bean type.
Constructor Summary
  BeanDeserializerBuilder(BeanDescription beanDesc, DeserializationConfig config)
protected BeanDeserializerBuilder(BeanDeserializerBuilder src)
          Copy constructor for sub-classes to use, when constructing custom builder instances
Method Summary
 void addBackReferenceProperty(String referenceName, SettableBeanProperty prop)
          Method called to add a property that represents so-called back reference; reference that "points back" to object that has forward reference to currently built bean.
 void addCreatorProperty(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef)
          Method called by deserializer factory, when a "creator property" (something that is passed via constructor- or factory method argument; instead of setter or field).
 void addIgnorable(String propName)
          Method that will add property name as one of properties that can be ignored if not recognized.
 void addInjectable(String propertyName, JavaType propertyType, Annotations contextAnnotations, AnnotatedMember member, Object valueId)
 void addOrReplaceProperty(SettableBeanProperty prop, boolean allowOverride)
          Method for adding a new property or replacing a property.
 void addProperty(SettableBeanProperty prop)
          Method to add a property setter.
 BeanDeserializer build()
          Method for constructing a BeanDeserializer, given all information collected.
 JsonDeserializer<?> buildBuilderBased(JavaType valueType, String expBuildMethodName)
          Method for constructing a specialized deserializer that uses additional external Builder object during data binding.
 SettableBeanProperty findProperty(String propertyName)
 SettableAnyProperty getAnySetter()
 JsonPOJOBuilder.Value getBuilderConfig()
 AnnotatedMethod getBuildMethod()
 List<ValueInjector> getInjectables()
 ObjectIdReader getObjectIdReader()
 Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> getProperties()
          Method that allows accessing all properties that this builder currently contains.
 ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator()
 boolean hasProperty(String propertyName)
 SettableBeanProperty removeProperty(String name)
 void setAnySetter(SettableAnyProperty s)
 void setIgnoreUnknownProperties(boolean ignore)
 void setObjectIdReader(ObjectIdReader r)
 void setPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedMethod buildMethod, JsonPOJOBuilder.Value config)
 void setValueInstantiator(ValueInstantiator inst)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final BeanDescription _beanDesc


protected final boolean _defaultViewInclusion


protected final Map<String,SettableBeanProperty> _properties
Properties to deserialize collected so far.


protected List<ValueInjector> _injectables
Value injectors for deserialization


protected HashMap<String,SettableBeanProperty> _backRefProperties
Back-reference properties this bean contains (if any)


protected HashSet<String> _ignorableProps
Set of names of properties that are recognized but are to be ignored for deserialization purposes (meaning no exception is thrown, value is just skipped).


protected ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator
Object that will handle value instantiation for the bean type.


protected ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader


protected SettableAnyProperty _anySetter
Fallback setter used for handling any properties that are not mapped to regular setters. If setter is not null, it will be called once for each such property.


protected boolean _ignoreAllUnknown
Flag that can be set to ignore and skip unknown properties. If set, will not throw an exception for unknown properties.


protected AnnotatedMethod _buildMethod
When creating Builder-based deserializers, this indicates method to call on builder to finalize value.


protected JsonPOJOBuilder.Value _builderConfig
In addition, Builder may have additional configuration

Constructor Detail


public BeanDeserializerBuilder(BeanDescription beanDesc,
                               DeserializationConfig config)


protected BeanDeserializerBuilder(BeanDeserializerBuilder src)
Copy constructor for sub-classes to use, when constructing custom builder instances

Method Detail


public void addOrReplaceProperty(SettableBeanProperty prop,
                                 boolean allowOverride)
Method for adding a new property or replacing a property.


public void addProperty(SettableBeanProperty prop)
Method to add a property setter. Will ensure that there is no unexpected override; if one is found will throw a IllegalArgumentException.


public void addBackReferenceProperty(String referenceName,
                                     SettableBeanProperty prop)
Method called to add a property that represents so-called back reference; reference that "points back" to object that has forward reference to currently built bean.


public void addInjectable(String propertyName,
                          JavaType propertyType,
                          Annotations contextAnnotations,
                          AnnotatedMember member,
                          Object valueId)


public void addIgnorable(String propName)
Method that will add property name as one of properties that can be ignored if not recognized.


public void addCreatorProperty(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef)
Method called by deserializer factory, when a "creator property" (something that is passed via constructor- or factory method argument; instead of setter or field).

Default implementation does not do anything; we may need to revisit this decision if these properties need to be available through accessors. For now, however, we just have to ensure that we don't try to resolve types that masked setter/field has (see [JACKSON-700] for details).


public void setAnySetter(SettableAnyProperty s)


public void setIgnoreUnknownProperties(boolean ignore)


public void setValueInstantiator(ValueInstantiator inst)


public void setObjectIdReader(ObjectIdReader r)


public void setPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedMethod buildMethod,
                           JsonPOJOBuilder.Value config)


public Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> getProperties()
Method that allows accessing all properties that this builder currently contains.

Note that properties are returned in order that properties are ordered (explictly, or by rule), which is the serialization order.


public SettableBeanProperty findProperty(String propertyName)


public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName)


public SettableBeanProperty removeProperty(String name)


public SettableAnyProperty getAnySetter()


public ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator()


public List<ValueInjector> getInjectables()


public ObjectIdReader getObjectIdReader()


public AnnotatedMethod getBuildMethod()


public JsonPOJOBuilder.Value getBuilderConfig()


public BeanDeserializer build()
Method for constructing a BeanDeserializer, given all information collected.


public JsonDeserializer<?> buildBuilderBased(JavaType valueType,
                                             String expBuildMethodName)
Method for constructing a specialized deserializer that uses additional external Builder object during data binding.

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