
package fastq

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DemuxFastqs extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  2. case class FastqRecord(name: String, bases: String, quals: String, comment: Option[String] = None, readNumber: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a record that can be read from or written to a fastq file.

  3. class FastqSource extends Iterator[FastqRecord] with Closeable

    Reads fastq records from any text based source via a reader.

    Reads fastq records from any text based source via a reader. Ensures that lines come in the expected groupings of four lines with the correct headers, and that bases and qualities are of the same length. The underlying reader is closed automatically when EOF is reached.

  4. class FastqToBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  5. class FastqWriter extends Closeable with Writer[FastqRecord]

    Implements a writer for fastq records.

  6. sealed trait OutputType extends EnumEntry
  7. sealed trait QualityEncoding extends EnumEntry

    Trait for describing quality score encoding systems.

  8. class QualityEncodingDetector extends AnyRef

    Class to detect the quality encoding in use in FASTQ files.

  9. class SortFastq extends FgBioTool
  10. class TrimFastq extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging

Value Members

  1. object DemuxFastqs
  2. object FastqSource

    Provides factory methods for creating a FastqSource from multiple types.

  3. object FastqWriter

    Companion object for manufacturing FastqWriter instances.

  4. object OutputType extends FgBioEnum[OutputType]
  5. object QualityEncoding extends FgBioEnum[QualityEncoding]
  6. object SortFastq

    Companion object for the SortFastq tool.
