
package util

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DnaFoldPrediction extends AnyRef

  2. class DnaFoldPredictor extends AnyRef

    Class that wraps ViennaRNAs RNAFold utility which can be used to estimate the minimum free energy secondary structure of DNA and RNA molecules.

    Class that wraps ViennaRNAs RNAFold utility which can be used to estimate the minimum free energy secondary structure of DNA and RNA molecules. When constructed a background process is started running RNAFold, calls to predict() then pipe input and output through RNAFold.

  3. trait GenomicSpan extends Locatable

    A simple trait that extends htsjdk.samtools.util.Locatable but provides a few easier to use methods for getting the location.

  4. case class IndexMetric(index: String, source: String, min_mismatches: Int, indices_at_min_mismatches: Count, gc: Proportion, longest_homopolymer: Int, worst_structure_seq: Option[String], worst_structure_dbn: Option[String], worst_structure_delta_g: Option[Double]) extends Metric with Product with Serializable

    Output produced by PickLongIndices to describe the set of molecular indices picked by the program.

    Output produced by PickLongIndices to describe the set of molecular indices picked by the program.


    The sequence of the molecular index (i.e. the set of bases).


    The source of the sequence - either existing for indices provided to the program of novel for indices generated by the program.


    The smallest number of mismatches to any other reported molecular index.


    The number of other reported molecular indices with min_mismatches differences to this index.


    The fraction of the sequence composed of G and C bases.


    The length of the longest homopolymer within the index sequence.


    The sequence (including adapter plus index) that generated the worst (lowest energy) structure for this index.


    The lowest energy structure in dot-bracket notation.


    The deltaG of the lowest energy structure.

  5. class Io extends IoUtil

    Provides common IO utility methods.

    Provides common IO utility methods. Can be instantiated to create a custom factory, or the companion object can be used as a singleton version.

  6. trait Metric extends Product with Iterable[(String, String)]

    Base trait for metrics.

    Base trait for metrics.

    All classes extending this class should be a case class. By convention, all fields should be lower case with words separated by underscores.

  7. class PickIlluminaIndices extends FgBioTool

    Program for picking sets of indices of arbitrary length that meet certain constraints and attempt to maximize the edit distance between all members of the set picked.

    Program for picking sets of indices of arbitrary length that meet certain constraints and attempt to maximize the edit distance between all members of the set picked.

  8. class PickLongIndices extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  9. case class ProgressLogger(logger: Logger, noun: String = "records", verb: String = "processed", unit: Int = 1000 * 1000) extends AbstractProgressLogger with Product with Serializable

    A subclass of HTSJDK's progress logger that uses fgbio's logging system.

  10. case class ReadSegment(offset: Int, length: Option[Int], kind: SegmentType) extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates all the information about a segment within a read structure.

    Encapsulates all the information about a segment within a read structure. A segment can either have a definite length, in which case length must be Some(Int), or an indefinite length (can be any length, 0 or more) in which case length must be None.

  11. class ReadStructure extends Seq[ReadSegment]

    Describes the structure of a give read.

    Describes the structure of a give read. A read contains one or more read segments. A read segment describes a contiguous stretch of bases of the same type (ex. template bases) of some length and some offset from the start of the read.

  12. class RefFlatSource extends Iterable[Gene] with Closeable with LazyLogging

    Reads gene annotation information from a RefFlat file.

    Reads gene annotation information from a RefFlat file.

    Skips genes on unrecognized chromosomes if a sequence dictionary is provided.

    The format is described here:

    A Picard-style header is also supported (GENE_NAME, TRANSCRIPT_NAME, ...).

  13. case class SampleBarcodeMetric(barcode_name: String = "", library_name: String = "", barcode: String = "", templates: Count = 0, pf_templates: Count = 0, perfect_matches: Count = 0, pf_perfect_matches: Count = 0, one_mismatch_matches: Count = 0, pf_one_mismatch_matches: Count = 0, fraction_matches: Proportion = 0d, ratio_this_barcode_to_best_barcode: Proportion = 0d, pf_fraction_matches: Proportion = 0d, pf_ratio_this_barcode_to_best_barcode: Proportion = 0d, pf_normalized_matches: Proportion = 0d) extends Metric with Product with Serializable

    Metrics for matching templates to sample barcodes primarily used in com.fulcrumgenomics.fastq.DemuxFastqs.

    Metrics for matching templates to sample barcodes primarily used in com.fulcrumgenomics.fastq.DemuxFastqs.

    The number of templates will match the number of reads for an Illumina single-end sequencing run, while the number of templates will be half the number of reads for an Illumina paired-end sequencing run (i.e. R1 & R2 observe the same template).


    the name for the sample barcode, typically the sample name from the SampleSheet.


    the name of the library, typically the library identifier from the SampleSheet.


    the sample barcode bases. Dual index barcodes will have two sample barcode sequences delimited by a dash.


    the total number of templates matching the given barcode.


    the total number of pass-filter templates matching the given barcode.


    the number of templates that match perfectly the given barcode.


    the number of pass-filter templates that match perfectly the given barcode.


    the number of pass-filter templates that match the given barcode with exactly one mismatch.


    the number of pass-filter templates that match the given barcode with exactly one mismatch.


    the fraction of all templates that match the given barcode.


    the rate of all templates matching this barcode to all template reads matching the most prevalent barcode. For the most prevalent barcode this will be 1, for all others it will be less than 1 (except for the possible exception of when there are more unmatched templates than for any other barcode, in which case the value may be arbitrarily large). One over the lowest number in this column gives you the fold-difference in representation between barcodes.


    the fraction of all pass-filter templates that match the given barcode.


    the rate of all pass-filter templates matching this barcode to all templates matching the most prevalent barcode. For the most prevalent barcode this will be 1, for all others it will be less than 1 (except for the possible exception of when there are more unmatched templates than for any other barcode, in which case the value may be arbitrarily large). One over the lowest number in this column gives you the fold-difference in representation between barcodes.


    The "normalized" matches to each barcode. This is calculated as the number of pass-filter templates matching this barcode over the mean of all pass-filter templates matching any barcode (excluding unmatched). If all barcodes are represented equally this will be 1.

  14. sealed abstract class SegmentType extends AnyRef

    Sealed class hierarchy for the types of segments that can show up in a read structure.

  15. class Sorter[A, B <: Ordered[B]] extends Iterable[A] with Writer[A]

    An implementation of a disk-backed sorting system.

    An implementation of a disk-backed sorting system. The implementation requires two things:

    1. An implementation of Codec that can serialize and deserialize objects 2. A function that creates a scala.Ordered key object for each object being sorted

    Both must be thread-safe as they may be invoked across threads without external synchronization

Value Members

  1. object GeneAnnotations

    Stores classes useful for storing annotation information for genes and their transcripts and exons.

  2. object IlluminaAdapters

    An object providing access to various Illumina adapter sequences.

  3. object Io extends Io

    Singleton object that can be used when the default buffer size and compression are desired.

  4. object MathUtil

    Some simple utility methods for various mathematical operations that are implemented in efficient albeit non-idiomatic scala.

  5. object Metric
  6. object NumericTypes

    Container object for a set of numeric types for working with common probability scalings.

  7. object PickLongIndices
  8. object ReadSegment extends Serializable
  9. object ReadStructure

    Companion object for ReadStructure that provides factory methods.

  10. object RefFlatSource
  11. object Rscript extends LazyLogging

    Object that enables running of R scripts via the Rscript command line too.

  12. object SampleBarcodeMetric extends Serializable
  13. object SegmentType
  14. object Sequences

    Utility methods for working with DNA or RNA sequences

  15. object Sorter

    Companion object for Sorter that contains various types used.
