
An optional convenience for working with inline stylesheets.

Ideally inline stylesheet modules should either be merged into a single app-wide object, or passed around like normal dependencies.

If that is unpalatable to your circumstances or preferences, you can instead register style modules with this global registry, and have client-code retrieve modules from this global registry by type.

 class BoxStyles extends StyleSheet.Inline {

 // Register
 GlobalRegistry.register(new BoxStyles)

 // Retrieve
 val boxStyles = GlobalRegistry[BoxStyles].get
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

final type ISSs = Vector[Inline]
Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def apply[S <: Inline](implicit t: ClassTag[S]): Option[S]
Inherited from
def onRegistration(f: Inline => Unit): Unit
Inherited from
def onRegistrationN(f: ISSs => Unit): Unit
Inherited from
def register(ss: Inline*): Unit
Inherited from