
abstract class Standalone(implicit val cssRegister: Register) extends Base

A standalone stylesheet has the following properties:

  • Intent is to generate static CSS for external consumption.
  • It is comparable to SCSS/LESS.
  • Styles go into a pool of registered styles when they are declared and return Unit.
  • Style class names / CSS selectors must be provided.
  • Only static styles (StyleS) are usable.
class Base
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final protected class NestedStringOps(val sel: CssSelector) extends ChainOps[NestedStringOps]
final protected class RootStringOps(val sel: CssSelector) extends ChainOps[RootStringOps]

Inherited classlikes

protected object dsl
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

final protected def &: Cond
final protected def &(sel: CssSelector): NestedStringOps

Create a child style.

Create a child style.

Inherited methods

final def css(implicit env: Env): Css
Inherited from
final def render[Out](implicit r: Renderer[Out], env: Env): Out

Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.

Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.

Value Params

The target environment in which the styles are to be used. Allows customisation of required CSS.

Inherited from
final def renderA[Out](implicit r: Renderer[Out]): Out

Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.

Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.

The A suffix stands for ''absolute'', in that it doesn't perform any environment customisation, and as such an Env isn't required.

Inherited from
final def styles: Vector[StyleA]
Inherited from



implicit protected val cssRegister: Register

Inherited implicits

implicit protected val classNameHint: ClassNameHint
Inherited from