
final class FromLens[S, T](l: Lens[S, T]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def prepare(modify: () => S): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

def prepareF[F[_] : Sync](modify: F => S): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

def prepareTupled(modify: () => S): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

def prepareTupledF[F[_] : Sync](modify: F => S): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

def prepareVia[F[_], A[_], I](i: I)(implicit t: Write[I, F, A, S]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

This is meant to be called once and reused so that the setState callback stays the same.

def prepareViaCallback[F[_], I, G[_], A[_]](cb: F[I])(implicit t: I => ModState[G, A, S], F: Sync[F], G: Sync[G]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]
def prepareViaProps[F[_], A1[_], P, S1, I, G[_], A2[_]]($: MountedSimple[F, A1, P, S1])(f: P => I)(implicit t: I => ModState[G, A2, S], F: Sync[F], G: Sync[G]): FromLensSetStateFn[S, T]
def xmap[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T): FromLens[S, U]
def zoom[U](get: T => U)(set: U => T => T): FromLens[S, U]