
final class RouterConfigDsl[Page, Props]

DSL for creating RouterConfig.

Instead creating an instance of this yourself, use RouterConfigDsl.apply.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Action = Action[Page, Props]
type Parsed = Parsed[Page]
type Redirect = Redirect[Page]
type Renderer = Renderer[Page, Props]
type Rule = RoutingRule[Page, Props]
type Rules = WithFallback[Page, Props]

Value members

Concrete methods

def dynRender[P <: Page, A](g: P => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): P => Renderer
def dynRenderP[P <: Page, A](g: (P, Props) => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): P => Renderer
def dynRenderR[P <: Page, A](g: (P, RouterCtl[Page]) => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): P => Renderer
def dynRenderRP[P <: Page, A](g: (P, RouterCtl[Page], Props) => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): P => Renderer
def dynamicRedirect[A](r: Route[A]): DynamicRedirectB[Page, Props, A, Rule]
def dynamicRoute[P <: Page](r: Route[P])(pf: PartialFunction[Page, P]): DynamicRouteB[Page, Props, P, Rule]
def dynamicRouteCT[P <: Page](r: Route[P])(implicit ct: ClassTag[P]): DynamicRouteB[Page, Props, P, Rule]
def dynamicRouteF[P <: Page](r: Route[P])(op: Page => Option[P]): DynamicRouteB[Page, Props, P, Rule]
def redirectToPage(page: Page)(implicit via: SetRouteVia): RedirectToPage[Page]
def redirectToPath(path: Path)(implicit via: SetRouteVia): RedirectToPath[Page]
def redirectToPath(path: String)(implicit via: SetRouteVia): RedirectToPath[Page]
def remainingPath: RouteB[String]

Captures the (non-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.

Captures the (non-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.

Captures the (potentially-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.

Captures the (potentially-empty) remaining portion of the URL path.

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading slashes from route URLs.

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading slashes from route URLs.

Removes the query portion of the URL.

Removes the query portion of the URL.

e.g. a/b?c=1 to a/b

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove trailing slashes from route URLs.

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove trailing slashes from route URLs.

def render[A](a: => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): Renderer
def renderP[A](g: Props => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): Renderer
def renderR[A](g: RouterCtl[Page] => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): Renderer
def renderRP[A](g: (RouterCtl[Page], Props) => A)(implicit ev: A => VdomElement): Renderer
def rewritePath(pf: PartialFunction[Path, Redirect]): Rule
def rewritePathF(f: Path => Option[Redirect]): Rule
def rewritePathR(r: Pattern, f: Matcher => Option[Redirect]): Rule
def root: Path
def staticRedirect(r: Route[Unit]): StaticRedirectB[Page, Props, Rule]
def staticRoute(r: Route[Unit], page: Page): StaticRouteB[Page, Props, Rule]

Note: Requires that Page#equals() be sensible.

Note: Requires that Page#equals() be sensible.

def string(regex: String): RouteB[String]

Matches a string.

Matches a string.

Best to use a whitelist of characters, eg. "[a-zA-Z0-9]+". Do not capture groups; use "[a-z]+" instead of "([a-z]+)". If you need to group, use non-capturing groups like "(?:bye|hello)" instead of "(bye|hello)".

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading and trailing slashes from route URLs.

A rule that uses a replace-state redirect to remove leading and trailing slashes from route URLs.

Concrete fields

val int: RouteB[Int]
val long: RouteB[Long]
lazy val queryToMap: RouteB[Map[String, String]]

Captures the query portion of the URL to a param map.

Captures the query portion of the URL to a param map.

Note that this is not a strict capture, URLs without a query string will still be accepted, and the parameter map will simply by empty.

lazy val queryToMultimap: RouteB[Map[String, Seq[String]]]

Captures the query portion of the URL to a param multimap.

Captures the query portion of the URL to a param multimap.

Note that this is not a strict capture, URLs without a query string will still be accepted, and the parameter map will simply by empty.

lazy val queryToSeq: RouteB[Seq[(String, String)]]

Captures the query portion of the URL.

Captures the query portion of the URL.

Note that this is not a strict capture, URLs without a query string will still be accepted, and the parameter map will simply by empty.

val uuid: RouteB[UUID]



implicit def _auto_notFound_from_parsed[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Parsed
implicit def _auto_notFound_from_parsedF[A](f: Path => A)(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Parsed
implicit def _auto_pToAction_from_action(a: => Action): Page => Action
implicit def _auto_parsedO_from_parsed[A](p: A)(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_parsedO_from_parsedO[A](o: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_parsed_from_page(p: Page): Parsed
implicit def _auto_pattern_from_regex(r: Regex): Pattern
implicit def _auto_routeB_from_path(p: Path): RouteB[Unit]
implicit def _auto_routeB_from_str(l: String): RouteB[Unit]
implicit def _auto_routeParser_from_parsed[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_routeParser_from_parsedF[A](f: Path => A)(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_routeParser_from_parsedFO[A](f: Path => Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_routeParser_from_parsedO[A](o: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Parsed): Path => Option[Parsed]
implicit def _auto_route_from_routeB[A, R](r: R)(implicit ev: R => RouteB[A]): Route[A]
implicit def _auto_someAction[A <: Action](a: A): Option[A]
implicit def _ops_for_routeb_option[A](r: RouteB[Option[A]]): RouteBO[A]