
trait DelegateFileSystem[ID, FILE, FOLDER] extends ExtensibleFileSystem[ID, FILE, FOLDER, FolderContent[ID, FILE, FOLDER]]

A trait implementing an ''ExtensibleFileSystem'' that delegates all operations to another file system, acting as delegate.

This trait can be used as a base for implementing extension file systems that operate on top of another file system and add specific functionality. Such extension file system implementations can extend this trait and override the operations they need to adapt, while all other operations are performed by the underlying file system directly.

Type parameters


the type to represent a file


the type to represent a folder


the type of element IDs


trait ExtensibleFileSystem[ID, FILE, FOLDER, FolderContent[ID, FILE, FOLDER]]
trait FileSystem[ID, FILE, FOLDER, FolderContent[ID, FILE, FOLDER]]
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def delegate: ExtensibleFileSystem[ID, FILE, FOLDER, FolderContent[ID, FILE, FOLDER]]

Returns the ''FileSystem'' to which operations are delegated by default.

Returns the ''FileSystem'' to which operations are delegated by default.



the ''FileSystem'' to delegate to

Concrete methods

override def close(): Unit

Frees up resources used by this object when it is no longer needed. This base implementation does nothing.

Frees up resources used by this object when it is no longer needed. This base implementation does nothing.


Definition Classes
FileSystem -> AutoCloseable
override def createFile(parent: ID, file: File[ID], content: Source[ByteString, Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[ID]

Creates a file as a child of the given parent folder by uploading the file's content and setting some metadata attributes. The attributes to set are provided in form of a file object; typically some properties are mandatory, such as the file name and the file size. If the operation is successful, the ID of the new file is returned.

Creates a file as a child of the given parent folder by uploading the file's content and setting some metadata attributes. The attributes to set are provided in form of a file object; typically some properties are mandatory, such as the file name and the file size. If the operation is successful, the ID of the new file is returned.

Value parameters


a ''Source'' with the content of the file


an object with the attributes of the new file


the ID of the parent folder


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to create a new file

Definition Classes
override def createFolder(parent: ID, folder: Folder[ID])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[ID]

Creates a folder as a child of the given parent folder. The attributes of the new folder are defined by the folder object provided. If the operation is successful, the ID of the new folder is returned.

Creates a folder as a child of the given parent folder. The attributes of the new folder are defined by the folder object provided. If the operation is successful, the ID of the new folder is returned.

Value parameters


an object with the attributes of the new folder


the ID of the parent folder


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to create a new folder

Definition Classes
override def deleteFile(fileID: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Deletes the file with the given ID.

Deletes the file with the given ID.

Value parameters


the ID of the file to delete


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to delete the file

Definition Classes
override def deleteFolder(folderID: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Deletes the folder with the given ID. Note that depending on the concrete implementation, it may be required that a folder is empty before it can be deleted. The root folder can typically not be deleted.

Deletes the folder with the given ID. Note that depending on the concrete implementation, it may be required that a folder is empty before it can be deleted. The root folder can typically not be deleted.

Value parameters


the ID of the folder to delete


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to delete a folder

Definition Classes
override def downloadFile(fileID: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[HttpEntity]

Returns an entity for downloading the content of a file. The download can be performed by creating a stream with the data bytes of the resulting entity. Note that the entity must be consumed in all cases, either by running the stream with the data bytes or by discarding the bytes.

Returns an entity for downloading the content of a file. The download can be performed by creating a stream with the data bytes of the resulting entity. Note that the entity must be consumed in all cases, either by running the stream with the data bytes or by discarding the bytes.

Value parameters


the ID of the file affected


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to obtain an entity for downloading a file

Definition Classes
override def folderContent(id: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FolderContent[ID, FILE, FOLDER]]

Returns an object describing the content of the folder with the given ID. This can be used to find the files and the folders that are the children of the folder with the ID specified.

Returns an object describing the content of the folder with the given ID. This can be used to find the files and the folders that are the children of the folder with the ID specified.

Value parameters


the ID of the folder in question


the actor system



the ''Operation'' returning the content of this folder

Definition Classes
override def patchFile(source: File[ID], spec: ElementPatchSpec): FILE

Constructs an implementation specific file object based on the properties of the given source file with the given patch specification applied. This allows components that extend the functionality of a ''FileSystem'' to manipulate the attributes of a file without having to know the concrete implementation class.

Constructs an implementation specific file object based on the properties of the given source file with the given patch specification applied. This allows components that extend the functionality of a ''FileSystem'' to manipulate the attributes of a file without having to know the concrete implementation class.

Value parameters


the source file


the ''ElementPatchSpec'' to manipulate properties



the resulting file object

Definition Classes
override def patchFolder(source: Folder[ID], spec: ElementPatchSpec): FOLDER

Constructs an implementation-specific folder object based on the properties of the given source folder with the given patch specification applied. This allows components that extend the functionality of a ''FileSystem'' to manipulate the attributes of a folder without having to know the concrete implementation class.

Constructs an implementation-specific folder object based on the properties of the given source folder with the given patch specification applied. This allows components that extend the functionality of a ''FileSystem'' to manipulate the attributes of a folder without having to know the concrete implementation class.

Value parameters


the source folder


the ''ElementPatchSpec'' to manipulate properties



the resulting folder object

Definition Classes
override def resolveFile(id: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FILE]

Returns the file identified by the given ID.

Returns the file identified by the given ID.

Value parameters


the ID of the file in question


the actor system



the ''Operation'' returning the file with this ID

Definition Classes
override def resolveFolder(id: ID)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FOLDER]

Returns the folder identified by the given ID.

Returns the folder identified by the given ID.

Value parameters


the ID of the folder in question


the actor system



the ''Operation'' returning the folder with this ID

Definition Classes
override def resolvePath(path: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[ID]

Resolves the ID of an element (file or folder) that is specified by its path. This function is analogous to ''resolvePathComponents()'', but the target element of the operation is identified by a URI-like path. It is assumed that the single components in this path are encoded as necessary to yield a valid URI.

Resolves the ID of an element (file or folder) that is specified by its path. This function is analogous to ''resolvePathComponents()'', but the target element of the operation is identified by a URI-like path. It is assumed that the single components in this path are encoded as necessary to yield a valid URI.

Value parameters


the path to be resolved


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to resolve the path

Definition Classes
override def resolvePathComponents(components: Seq[String])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[ID]

Resolves the ID of an element (file or folder) that is specified by a sequence of path components. The components define the names of folders to traverse from the root in order to come to the target element. In a hierarchical file system, there is typically a direct relation between a path and a URI that uniquely identifies an element. But not all file systems are hierarchical; e.g. in Google Drive a single file can be contained in multiple folders, so a resolve operation can be actually complex. The single components passed to this function should be plain file or folder names; no encoding is expected. This implementation encodes the components and concatenates them to a path URI and invokes ''resolvePath()'' with this path.

Resolves the ID of an element (file or folder) that is specified by a sequence of path components. The components define the names of folders to traverse from the root in order to come to the target element. In a hierarchical file system, there is typically a direct relation between a path and a URI that uniquely identifies an element. But not all file systems are hierarchical; e.g. in Google Drive a single file can be contained in multiple folders, so a resolve operation can be actually complex. The single components passed to this function should be plain file or folder names; no encoding is expected. This implementation encodes the components and concatenates them to a path URI and invokes ''resolvePath()'' with this path.

Value parameters


the sequence of path components


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to resolve these path components

Definition Classes
override def rootID(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[ID]

Returns the ID of the root folder of this file system. This can be used as starting point to iterate over the content stored in the file system.

Returns the ID of the root folder of this file system. This can be used as starting point to iterate over the content stored in the file system.

Value parameters


the actor system



the ''Operation'' returning the ID of the file system root

Definition Classes
override def updateFile(file: File[ID])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Updates the metadata of a file. The passed in file object must contain the ID of the file affected and the attributes to set.

Updates the metadata of a file. The passed in file object must contain the ID of the file affected and the attributes to set.

Value parameters


the object representing the file


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to update file metadata

Definition Classes
override def updateFileContent(fileID: ID, size: Long, content: Source[ByteString, Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Updates the content of a file by uploading new data to the server.

Updates the content of a file by uploading new data to the server.

Value parameters


a ''Source'' with the content of the file


the ID of the file affected


the size of the new content


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to upload new file content

Definition Classes
override def updateFolder(folder: Folder[ID])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Updates the metadata of a folder. The passed in folder object must contain the ID of the folder affected and the attributes to update.

Updates the metadata of a folder. The passed in folder object must contain the ID of the folder affected and the attributes to update.

Value parameters


the object representing the folder


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to update folder metadata

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def resolveFileByPath(path: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FILE]

Returns the file object that is referenced by the path specified. This is a combination of resolving the path and obtaining the file with the resulting ID.

Returns the file object that is referenced by the path specified. This is a combination of resolving the path and obtaining the file with the resulting ID.

Value parameters


the path of the desired file


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to resolve the file with this path

Inherited from:
def resolveFolderByPath(path: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FOLDER]

Returns the folder object that is referenced by the path specified. This is a combination of resolving the path and obtaining the folder with the resulting ID.

Returns the folder object that is referenced by the path specified. This is a combination of resolving the path and obtaining the folder with the resulting ID.

Value parameters


the path to the desired folder


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to resolve the folder with this path

Inherited from:
def rootFolderContent(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[FOLDER_CONTENT]

Returns an object with the content of the root folder. This is a combination of requesting the root folder ID and requesting the content of this folder.

Returns an object with the content of the root folder. This is a combination of requesting the root folder ID and requesting the content of this folder.

Value parameters


the actor system



the ''Operation'' to obtain the content of the root folder

Inherited from:
def updateFileAndContent(file: File[ID], content: Source[ByteString, Any])(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Operation[Unit]

Combines an operation to update the content of a file with an operation to update its metadata properties. This base implementation delegates to the corresponding functions (''updateFileContent()'' and ''updateFile()'') in series. Implementations that can combine these updates in a single operation should override this function. Depending on the concrete underlying file system, it may be necessary to specify the new file size in the passed in file object.

Combines an operation to update the content of a file with an operation to update its metadata properties. This base implementation delegates to the corresponding functions (''updateFileContent()'' and ''updateFile()'') in series. Implementations that can combine these updates in a single operation should override this function. Depending on the concrete underlying file system, it may be necessary to specify the new file size in the passed in file object.

Value parameters


a source with the new content of the file


a data object with the properties of the file to update


the actor system



the ''Operation'' that does the combined update

Inherited from: