

A default implementation of HttpRequestSenderFactory.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

override def createMultiHostRequestSender(spawner: Spawner, config: HttpRequestSenderConfig, requestActorFactory: RequestActorFactory): ActorRef[HttpCommand]

Creates a new actor instance for sending HTTP requests to different hosts that satisfies the criteria defined by the given configuration. Note that the resulting actor is fully initialized; it is not necessary to call ''decorateRequestSender()'' manually.

Creates a new actor instance for sending HTTP requests to different hosts that satisfies the criteria defined by the given configuration. Note that the resulting actor is fully initialized; it is not necessary to call ''decorateRequestSender()'' manually.

Value parameters


the configuration of the request sender actor


a factory for creating new host-specific request sender actors


the object to create new actor instances



a reference to the newly created actor

Definition Classes
override def createRequestSender(spawner: Spawner, baseUri: Uri, config: HttpRequestSenderConfig): ActorRef[HttpCommand]

Creates a new actor instance for sending HTTP requests to the specified URI that satisfies the criteria defined by the given configuration. Note that the resulting actor is fully initialized; it is not necessary to call ''decorateRequestSender()'' manually.

Creates a new actor instance for sending HTTP requests to the specified URI that satisfies the criteria defined by the given configuration. Note that the resulting actor is fully initialized; it is not necessary to call ''decorateRequestSender()'' manually.

Value parameters


the URI of the host supported by the new actor


the configuration of the request sender actor


the object to create new actor instances



a reference to the newly created actor

Definition Classes
override def decorateRequestSender(spawner: Spawner, requestSender: ActorRef[HttpCommand], config: HttpRequestSenderConfig): ActorRef[HttpCommand]

Decorates the given actor for sending HTTP requests to support all the features declared by the passed in configuration. Adding features to the given actor typically requires the creation of new actors that wrap the original one. The function returns an ''ActorRef'' that has been configured with all desired properties. This function can be used by clients that already have a basic HTTP sender actor and want to enhance it.

Decorates the given actor for sending HTTP requests to support all the features declared by the passed in configuration. Adding features to the given actor typically requires the creation of new actors that wrap the original one. The function returns an ''ActorRef'' that has been configured with all desired properties. This function can be used by clients that already have a basic HTTP sender actor and want to enhance it.

Value parameters


the configuration of the request sender actor


the original request sender actor to be extended


the object to create new actor instances



a reference to the decorated actor

Definition Classes

Concrete fields

final val BasicAuthName: "_BasicAuth"

Suffix for the name generated for a Basic Auth extension.

Suffix for the name generated for a Basic Auth extension.


final val IDPName: "_IDP"

Suffix for the name generated for the actor for IDP communication.

Suffix for the name generated for the actor for IDP communication.


final val OAuthName: "_OAuth"

Suffix for the name generated for an OAuth extension.

Suffix for the name generated for an OAuth extension.


final val RetryAfterName: "_Retry"

Suffix for the name generated for a RetryAfter extension.

Suffix for the name generated for a RetryAfter extension.
