Class BAMIndexMetaData


public class BAMIndexMetaData extends Object
Metadata about the bam index contained within the bam index. One instance created per index file.
  • Method Details

    • getAlignedRecordCount

      public int getAlignedRecordCount()
      the count of aligned records associated with this reference
    • getUnalignedRecordCount

      public int getUnalignedRecordCount()
      the count of unaligned records associated with this reference
    • printIndexStats

      public static void printIndexStats(File inputBamFile)
      Prints meta-data statistics from BAM index (.bai or .csi) file Statistics include count of aligned and unaligned reads for each reference sequence and a count of all records with no start coordinate
    • getIndexStats

      public static BAMIndexMetaData[] getIndexStats(BAMFileReader bam)
      Prints meta-data statistics from BAM index (.bai or .csi) file Statistics include count of aligned and unaligned reads for each reference sequence and a count of all records with no start coordinate