Class CSIIndex

All Implemented Interfaces:
BAMIndex, BrowseableBAMIndex, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class CSIIndex extends AbstractBAMFileIndex implements BrowseableBAMIndex
Implementation of the CSI index for BAM files. The CSI index extends the BAI index by allowing a more flexible binning scheme, with variable depth (number of levels) and bin sizes, thus allowing for genomic regions longer than 2^29-1.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getBinDepth

      public int getBinDepth()
      Bin depth is the number of levels of the index. By default, BAI has 6 levels. CSI makes this variable.
    • getMinShift

      public int getMinShift()
      2^(min shift) is the smallest width of a bin
    • getMaxBins

      public int getMaxBins()
    • getMaxSpan

      public int getMaxSpan()
    • getAuxData

      public byte[] getAuxData()
    • getNumberOfReferences

      public int getNumberOfReferences()
      getNumberOfReferences in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
    • getLevelSize

      public int getLevelSize(int levelNumber)
      Computes the number of bins on the given level.
      Specified by:
      getLevelSize in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      getLevelSize in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      levelNumber - Level for which to compute the size.
    • getFirstBinInLevelForCSI

      public int getFirstBinInLevelForCSI(int levelNumber)
      Extends the functionality of AbstractBAMFileIndex.getFirstBinInLevel(int) , which cannot be overridden due to its static nature.
    • getLevelForBin

      public int getLevelForBin(Bin bin)
      Description copied from class: AbstractBAMFileIndex
      Gets the level associated with the given bin number.
      Specified by:
      getLevelForBin in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      getLevelForBin in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      bin - The bin for which to determine the level.
      the level associated with the given bin number.
    • getFirstLocusInBin

      public int getFirstLocusInBin(Bin bin)
      Description copied from class: AbstractBAMFileIndex
      Gets the first locus that this bin can index into.
      Specified by:
      getFirstLocusInBin in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      getFirstLocusInBin in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      bin - The bin to test.
      The last position that the given bin can represent.
    • getLastLocusInBin

      public int getLastLocusInBin(Bin bin)
      Description copied from class: AbstractBAMFileIndex
      Gets the last locus that this bin can index into.
      Specified by:
      getLastLocusInBin in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      getLastLocusInBin in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      bin - The bin to test.
      The last position that the given bin can represent.
    • getBinsOverlapping

      public BinList getBinsOverlapping(int referenceIndex, int startPos, int endPos)
      Description copied from interface: BrowseableBAMIndex
      Get a list of bins in the BAM file that may contain SAMRecords for the given range.
      Specified by:
      getBinsOverlapping in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      referenceIndex - sequence of desired SAMRecords
      startPos - 1-based start of the desired interval, inclusive
      endPos - 1-based end of the desired interval, inclusive
      a list of bins that contain relevant data.
    • getSpanOverlapping

      public BAMFileSpan getSpanOverlapping(int referenceIndex, int startPos, int endPos)
      Description copied from interface: BAMIndex
      Gets the compressed chunks which should be searched for the contents of records contained by the span referenceIndex:startPos-endPos, inclusive. See the BAM spec for more information on how a chunk is represented.
      Specified by:
      getSpanOverlapping in interface BAMIndex
      referenceIndex - The contig.
      startPos - Genomic start of query.
      endPos - Genomic end of query.
      A file span listing the chunks in the BAM file.
    • getSpanOverlapping

      public BAMFileSpan getSpanOverlapping(Bin bin)
      Description copied from interface: BrowseableBAMIndex
      Perform an overlapping query of all bins bounding the given location.
      Specified by:
      getSpanOverlapping in interface BrowseableBAMIndex
      bin - The bin over which to perform an overlapping query.
      The file pointers
    • getStartOfLastLinearBin

      public long getStartOfLastLinearBin()
      Description copied from class: AbstractBAMFileIndex
      Use to get close to the unmapped reads at the end of a BAM file.
      Specified by:
      getStartOfLastLinearBin in interface BAMIndex
      getStartOfLastLinearBin in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      The file offset of the first record in the last linear bin, or -1 if there are no elements in linear bins (i.e. no mapped reads).
    • verifyIndexMagicNumber

      protected void verifyIndexMagicNumber(String sourceName)
      verifyIndexMagicNumber in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
    • initParameters

      protected final void initParameters()
      Description copied from class: AbstractBAMFileIndex
      Initialization method used for simplifying the constructor hierarchy.
      initParameters in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
    • getParentBinNumber

      public int getParentBinNumber(int binNumber)
    • getParentBinNumber

      public int getParentBinNumber(Bin bin)
    • query

      protected htsjdk.samtools.BAMIndexContent query(int referenceSequence, int startPos, int endPos)
      query in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
    • getMetaData

      public BAMIndexMetaData getMetaData(int reference)
      Return meta data for the given reference including information about number of aligned, unaligned, and noCoordinate records
      Specified by:
      getMetaData in interface BAMIndex
      getMetaData in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      reference - the reference of interest
      meta data for the reference
    • getNoCoordinateCount

      public Long getNoCoordinateCount()
      Returns count of records unassociated with any reference. Call before the index file is closed
      getNoCoordinateCount in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
      meta data at the end of the bam index that indicates count of records holding no coordinates or null if no meta data (old index format)
    • getQueryResults

      public htsjdk.samtools.BAMIndexContent getQueryResults(int referenceSequence)
      Specified by:
      getQueryResults in class AbstractBAMFileIndex
    • skipToSequence

      protected void skipToSequence(int sequenceIndex)
      skipToSequence in class AbstractBAMFileIndex