Class AbstractJavascriptFilter<HEADER,TYPE>

Direct Known Subclasses:
JavascriptSamRecordFilter, JavascriptVariantFilter

public abstract class AbstractJavascriptFilter<HEADER,TYPE> extends Object
Javascript filter with HEADER type containing TYPE records. contains two static method to get a SAM Read filter or a VariantFilter. warning: tools, like galaxy, using this class are not safe because a script can access the filesystem.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractJavascriptFilter

      protected AbstractJavascriptFilter(File scriptFile, HEADER header) throws IOException
      constructor using a script, compiles the script, puts 'header' in the bindings
    • AbstractJavascriptFilter

      protected AbstractJavascriptFilter(String scriptExpression, HEADER header)
      constructor using a java.lang.String script, compiles the script, puts 'header' in the bindings
    • AbstractJavascriptFilter

      protected AbstractJavascriptFilter(Reader scriptReader, HEADER header)
      Constructor, compiles script, put header in the bindings
      scriptReader - reader containing the script. will be closed.
      header - the header to be injected in the javascript context
  • Method Details

    • getHeaderKey

      public String getHeaderKey()
      returns key used for header binding
    • getRecordKey

      public abstract String getRecordKey()
      returns key used for record binding
    • accept

      protected boolean accept(TYPE record)
      Evaluates this predicate on the given argument
      record - the record to test. It will be inject in the javascript context using getRecordKey()
      true (keep) if the user script returned 1 or true, else false (reject).