Class MemberScope<M extends com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedMember<T>,​T extends Member>

  • Type Parameters:
    M - type of member in scope (i.e. ResolvedField or ResolvedMethod).
    T - type of java/reflection member in scope (i.e. FIeld or Nethod
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    FieldScope, MethodScope

    public abstract class MemberScope<M extends com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedMember<T>,​T extends Member>
    extends TypeScope
    Representation of a single introspected field or method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MemberScope

        protected MemberScope​(M member,
                              com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType overriddenType,
                              String overriddenName,
                              com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers declaringTypeMembers,
                              Integer fakeContainerItemIndex,
                              TypeContext context)
        member - targeted field or method
        overriddenType - alternative type for this field or method's return value
        overriddenName - alternative name for this field or method
        declaringTypeMembers - collection of the declaring type's (other) fields and methods
        fakeContainerItemIndex - index of the container item on the generic field/method scope's declared type (e.g., in case of a List, it is 0)
        context - the overall type resolution context
    • Method Detail

      • getFakeContainerItemIndex

        protected Integer getFakeContainerItemIndex()
        Getter for the fakeContainerItemIndex (may be null).
        index of the container item on the generic field/method scope's declared type (e.g., in case of a List, it is 0)
        See Also:
      • withOverriddenType

        public abstract MemberScope<M,​T> withOverriddenType​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType overriddenType)
        Create another instance for this field or method and context, but overriding the declared field/method return type with the given one.
        overriddenType - alternative type for this field or method return value (overriding the declared type)
        new instance with the given type override
        See Also:
        getDeclaredType(), getOverriddenType()
      • asFakeContainerItemScope

        public MemberScope<M,​T> asFakeContainerItemScope​(Class<?> referenceType,
                                                               int containerItemIndex)
        Create another instance for this field or method and context, representing its field/method return type's container item type.
        referenceType - the generic "container type" from which to extract the "container item type"
        containerItemIndex - index of the container item on the generic field/method scope's declared type (e.g., in case of a List, it is 0)
        new instance with the container item type as override (or an identical copy if this is not a container type)
        See Also:
        withOverriddenType(ResolvedType), TypeScope.getContainerItemType(), isFakeContainerItemScope()
      • withOverriddenName

        public abstract MemberScope<M,​T> withOverriddenName​(String overriddenName)
        Create another instance for this field or method and context, but overriding the declared field/method name with the given one.
        overriddenName - alternative name for this field or method
        new instance with the given name override
        See Also:
        getDeclaredType(), getOverriddenType()
      • getMember

        public M getMember()
        Getter for the represented field or method.
        represented field or method
      • getDeclaringTypeMembers

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers getDeclaringTypeMembers()
        Getter for the collection of the member's declaring type's (other) fields and methods.
        declaring type's fields and methods
      • getDeclaredType

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getDeclaredType()
        Returns the type declared as the field's or method return value's type.
        declared type
        See Also:
      • getOverriddenType

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getOverriddenType()
        Returns the overridden type of the field or method's return value.
        overridden type (or null if no override applies)
        See Also:
      • isFakeContainerItemScope

        public boolean isFakeContainerItemScope()
        Check whether this field/method scope represents only the container item type of the actual field/method.
        whether this is not the actual field/method but a representation of its container item type
      • getDeclaredName

        public String getDeclaredName()
        Returns the member's name as specified in the declaring class.
        declared method/field name
        See Also:
      • getOverriddenName

        public String getOverriddenName()
        Returns the member's overridden name.
        overridden name (or null if no override applies)
        See Also:
      • getDeclaringType

        public final com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getDeclaringType()
        Returns the member's declaring type.
        declaring type
      • getRawMember

        public T getRawMember()
        Returns the JDK object that represents member.
        raw member
      • isStatic

        public boolean isStatic()
        Indicates whether the member has the static keyword.
        whether member is static
      • isFinal

        public boolean isFinal()
        Indicates whether the member has the final keyword.
        whether member is final
      • isPrivate

        public boolean isPrivate()
        Indicates whether the member is of private visibility.
        whether member is private
      • isProtected

        public boolean isProtected()
        Indicates whether the member is of protected visibility.
        whether member is protected
      • isPublic

        public boolean isPublic()
        Indicates whether the member is of public visibility.
        whether member is public
      • getAnnotation

        public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member, if such an annotation is present.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation to look-up
        annotationClass - annotation class to look up instance on member for
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present
      • getContainerItemAnnotation

        public abstract <A extends Annotation> A getContainerItemAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member's container item (i.e. first type parameter if there is one), if such an annotation is present on either the field or its getter.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present)
      • getAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetter

        public abstract <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetter​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member, if such an annotation is present on either the field or its getter.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present)
      • getAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetterIfSupported

        public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetterIfSupported​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member, if such an annotation is present on either the field or its getter and this is not a fake container item scope.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present or the look-up is not supported by default)
      • getContainerItemAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetter

        public abstract <A extends Annotation> A getContainerItemAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetter​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member's container item (i.e. single type parameter if there is one), if such an annotation is present on either the field or its getter.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present)
      • getContainerItemAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetterIfSupported

        public <A extends Annotation> A getContainerItemAnnotationConsideringFieldAndGetterIfSupported​(Class<A> annotationClass)
        Return the annotation of the given type on the member's container item (i.e. single type parameter if there is one), if such an annotation is present on either the field or its getter and this particular member is either a collection or special generic type (e.g. Optional).
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present or this look-up is not supported by default )
      • getSchemaPropertyName

        public String getSchemaPropertyName()
        Returns the name to be used to reference this member in its parent's "properties".
        member's name in parent "properties"
      • doGetSchemaPropertyName

        protected abstract String doGetSchemaPropertyName()
        Returns the name to be used to reference this member in its parent's "properties".
        member's name in parent "properties"