
trait Proxy extends Acquisition

This Proxy trait allows you to extend the Acquisition trait with additional state or behavior and implement the read-only methods from Acquisition using an underlying instance.

Linear Supertypes
Acquisition, Serializable, HasThriftStructCodec3[Acquisition], Product21[Product, PaymentFrequency, String, Double, Option[PaymentProvider], Option[Set[String]], Option[AbTestInfo], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[ComponentType], Option[AcquisitionSource], Option[PrintOptions], Option[Platform], Option[Short], Option[Double], Option[String], Option[Set[String]], Option[String], Option[Set[QueryParameter]]], scala.Product, Equals, ThriftStruct, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Proxy
  2. Acquisition
  3. Serializable
  4. HasThriftStructCodec3
  5. Product21
  6. Product
  7. Equals
  8. ThriftStruct
  9. AnyRef
  10. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def _underlying_Acquisition: Acquisition

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def _1: Product
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  5. def _10: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  6. def _11: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  7. def _12: Option[ComponentType]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  8. def _13: Option[AcquisitionSource]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  9. def _14: Option[PrintOptions]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  10. def _15: Option[Platform]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  11. def _16: Option[Short]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  12. def _17: Option[Double]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  13. def _18: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  14. def _19: Option[Set[String]]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  15. def _2: PaymentFrequency
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  16. def _20: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  17. def _21: Option[Set[QueryParameter]]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  18. def _3: String
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  19. def _4: Double
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  20. def _5: Option[PaymentProvider]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  21. def _6: Option[Set[String]]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  22. def _7: Option[AbTestInfo]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  23. def _8: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  24. def _9: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21
  25. def _codec: ThriftStructCodec3[Acquisition]
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → HasThriftStructCodec3
  26. def _passthroughFields: Map[Short, TFieldBlob]
    Definition Classes
  27. def abTests: Option[AbTestInfo]

    The ab tests the user was in on dotcom

    The ab tests the user was in on dotcom

    Definition Classes
  28. def amount: Double

    Contributed amount in units of the currency received

    Contributed amount in units of the currency received

    Definition Classes
  29. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  30. def campaignCode: Option[Set[String]]

    The campaign code of the campaign that the user came from

    The campaign code of the campaign that the user came from

    Definition Classes
  31. def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Equals
  32. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  33. def componentId: Option[String]

    An ID that can be used to distinguish different instances of a given component type

    An ID that can be used to distinguish different instances of a given component type

    Definition Classes
  34. def componentTypeV2: Option[ComponentType]

    The type of component that the acquisition came from

    The type of component that the acquisition came from

    Definition Classes
  35. def copy(product: Product = this.product, paymentFrequency: PaymentFrequency = this.paymentFrequency, currency: String = this.currency, amount: Double = this.amount, paymentProvider: Option[PaymentProvider] = this.paymentProvider, campaignCode: Option[Set[String]] = this.campaignCode, abTests: Option[AbTestInfo] = this.abTests, countryCode: Option[String] = this.countryCode, referrerPageViewId: Option[String] = this.referrerPageViewId, referrerUrl: Option[String] = this.referrerUrl, componentId: Option[String] = this.componentId, componentTypeV2: Option[ComponentType] = this.componentTypeV2, source: Option[AcquisitionSource] = this.source, printOptions: Option[PrintOptions] = this.printOptions, platform: Option[Platform] = this.platform, discountLengthInMonths: Option[Short] = this.discountLengthInMonths, discountPercentage: Option[Double] = this.discountPercentage, promoCode: Option[String] = this.promoCode, labels: Option[Set[String]] = this.labels, identityId: Option[String] = this.identityId, queryParameters: Option[Set[QueryParameter]] = this.queryParameters, _passthroughFields: Map[Short, TFieldBlob] = this._passthroughFields): Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  36. def countryCode: Option[String]

    ISO-3166-aplha-2 country code representing where the user is from.

    ISO-3166-aplha-2 country code representing where the user is from. It is either the country of the card used, or the country of the contributor s address

    Definition Classes
  37. def currency: String

    Currency code (ISO 4217 3-character, upper-case, eg USD, GBP)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 3-character, upper-case, eg USD, GBP)

    Definition Classes
  38. def discountLengthInMonths: Option[Short]

    Length of the discount in months

    Length of the discount in months

    Definition Classes
  39. def discountPercentage: Option[Double]

    Amount of discount, as a percentage

    Amount of discount, as a percentage

    Definition Classes
  40. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  41. def equals(other: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Equals → AnyRef → Any
  42. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  43. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  44. def getFieldBlob(_fieldId: Short): Option[TFieldBlob]

    Gets a field value encoded as a binary blob using TCompactProtocol.

    Gets a field value encoded as a binary blob using TCompactProtocol. If the specified field is present in the passthrough map, that value is returned. Otherwise, if the specified field is known and not optional and set to None, then the field is serialized and returned.

    Definition Classes
  45. def getFieldBlobs(ids: TraversableOnce[Short]): Map[Short, TFieldBlob]

    Collects TCompactProtocol-encoded field values according to getFieldBlob into a map.

    Collects TCompactProtocol-encoded field values according to getFieldBlob into a map.

    Definition Classes
  46. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → AnyRef → Any
  47. def identityId: Option[String]

    The identity id of a user

    The identity id of a user

    Definition Classes
  48. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  49. def labels: Option[Set[String]]

    Any additional labels.

    Any additional labels. In particular, extra information that is needed to calculate Annualised Value for this Acquisition (e.g. promotions like Guardian Weekly Six For Six) can go here.

    Definition Classes
  50. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  51. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  52. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  53. def paymentFrequency: PaymentFrequency

    If the payment is a one off or reccuring

    If the payment is a one off or reccuring

    Definition Classes
  54. def paymentProvider: Option[PaymentProvider]

    The payment provider the user paid with

    The payment provider the user paid with

    Definition Classes
  55. def platform: Option[Platform]

    Platform on which the acquisition occurred e.g.

    Platform on which the acquisition occurred e.g. Contributions, S&C

    Definition Classes
  56. def printOptions: Option[PrintOptions]

    Extra parameters only applicable to print products

    Extra parameters only applicable to print products

    Definition Classes
  57. def product: Product

    Product type

    Product type

    Definition Classes
  58. def productArity: Int
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21 → Product
  59. def productElement(n: Int): Any
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product21 → Product
  60. def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
    Definition Classes
  61. def productPrefix: String
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → Product
  62. def promoCode: Option[String]

    Promo code for the acquisition.

    Promo code for the acquisition. Only applicable to subscriptions.

    Definition Classes
  63. def queryParameters: Option[Set[QueryParameter]]

    Query string parameters associated with an acquisition

    Query string parameters associated with an acquisition

    Definition Classes
  64. def referrerPageViewId: Option[String]

    Page view id of the page the reader was on that lead them through to the contribution page e.g.

    Page view id of the page the reader was on that lead them through to the contribution page e.g. by clicking on the Contribute Now button in the Epic component

    Definition Classes
  65. def referrerUrl: Option[String]

    Url of the page the reader was on that lead them through to the contribution page e.g.

    Url of the page the reader was on that lead them through to the contribution page e.g. by clicking on the Contribute Now button in the Epic component

    Definition Classes
  66. def setField(_blob: TFieldBlob): Acquisition

    Sets a field using a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob.

    Sets a field using a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob. If the field is a known field, the blob is decoded and the field is set to the decoded value. If the field is unknown and passthrough fields are enabled, then the blob will be stored in _passthroughFields.

    Definition Classes
  67. def source: Option[AcquisitionSource]

    The source of the acquisition

    The source of the acquisition

    Definition Classes
  68. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  69. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → AnyRef → Any
  70. def toTuple: (Product, PaymentFrequency, String, Double, Option[PaymentProvider], Option[Set[String]], Option[AbTestInfo], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[ComponentType], Option[AcquisitionSource], Option[PrintOptions], Option[Platform], Option[Short], Option[Double], Option[String], Option[Set[String]], Option[String], Option[Set[QueryParameter]])
    Definition Classes
  71. def unsetAbTests: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  72. def unsetAmount: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  73. def unsetCampaignCode: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  74. def unsetComponentId: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  75. def unsetComponentTypeV2: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  76. def unsetCountryCode: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  77. def unsetCurrency: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  78. def unsetDiscountLengthInMonths: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  79. def unsetDiscountPercentage: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  80. def unsetField(_fieldId: Short): Acquisition

    If the specified field is optional, it is set to None.

    If the specified field is optional, it is set to None. Otherwise, if the field is known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is removed from the passthroughFields map, if present.

    Definition Classes
  81. def unsetIdentityId: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  82. def unsetLabels: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  83. def unsetPaymentFrequency: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  84. def unsetPaymentProvider: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  85. def unsetPlatform: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  86. def unsetPrintOptions: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  87. def unsetProduct: Acquisition

    If the specified field is optional, it is set to None.

    If the specified field is optional, it is set to None. Otherwise, if the field is known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is removed from the passthroughFields map, if present.

    Definition Classes
  88. def unsetPromoCode: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  89. def unsetQueryParameters: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  90. def unsetReferrerPageViewId: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  91. def unsetReferrerUrl: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  92. def unsetSource: Acquisition
    Definition Classes
  93. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  94. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  95. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  96. def write(_oprot: TProtocol): Unit
    Definition Classes
    Acquisition → ThriftStruct

Inherited from Acquisition

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from HasThriftStructCodec3[Acquisition]

Inherited from Product21[Product, PaymentFrequency, String, Double, Option[PaymentProvider], Option[Set[String]], Option[AbTestInfo], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[ComponentType], Option[AcquisitionSource], Option[PrintOptions], Option[Platform], Option[Short], Option[Double], Option[String], Option[Set[String]], Option[String], Option[Set[QueryParameter]]]

Inherited from scala.Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from ThriftStruct

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
