Class AbstractTransactionModel<GeneratedTxModel>

Type Parameters:
GeneratedTxModel -
Direct Known Subclasses:
ChannelCloseMutualTransactionModel, ChannelCloseSoloTransactionModel, ChannelCreateTransactionModel, ChannelDepositTransactionModel, ChannelSettleTransactionModel, ChannelSlashTransactionModel, ChannelSnapshotSoloTransactionModel, ChannelWithdrawTransactionModel, ContractCallTransactionModel, ContractCreateTransactionModel, GeneralizedAccountsAttachTransactionModel, GeneralizedAccountsMetaTransactionModel, NameClaimTransactionModel, NamePreclaimTransactionModel, NameRevokeTransactionModel, NameTransferTransactionModel, NameUpdateTransactionModel, OracleExtendTransactionModel, OracleQueryTransactionModel, OracleRegisterTransactionModel, OracleRespondTransactionModel, PayingForTransactionModel, SpendTransactionModel

public abstract class AbstractTransactionModel<GeneratedTxModel>
extends java.lang.Object
This abstract class defines the behaviour of all specific transaction models and is tied to the relating generated endpoint model. The specific model classes are used to encapsulate the transaction type specific parameters in a convienent way.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected java.math.BigInteger fee
    the fee is automatically calculated but can also be set manually
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    abstract AbstractTransaction<?> buildTransaction​(ExternalApi externalApi, InternalApi internalApi)
    builds the necessary transaction object
    java.lang.String checkMandatoryFields()
    validate, that all mandatory fields are set - if not we throw an InvalidParameterException
    boolean doSign()
    indicates, if the transaction needs to be signed
    abstract java.util.function.Function<Tx,​?> getApiToModelFunction()
    remap the given genericTx to a model
    AbstractTransactionModel<?> getInnerTxModel()
    returns the inner transaction model if defined
    boolean hasInnerTx()
    indicates, if the transaction has inner tx (GATx, PayforTx)
    abstract GeneratedTxModel toApiModel()
    this method needs to be implemented for testing purposes (non native mode) and returns the generated tx model from the transaction fields
    abstract void validateInput()
    this method can be used to perform transaction specific validations that will

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • fee

      protected java.math.BigInteger fee
      the fee is automatically calculated but can also be set manually
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractTransactionModel

      public AbstractTransactionModel()
  • Method Details

    • toApiModel

      public abstract GeneratedTxModel toApiModel()
      this method needs to be implemented for testing purposes (non native mode) and returns the generated tx model from the transaction fields
      one of com.kryptokrauts.aeternity.sdk.service.transaction.type.model
    • checkMandatoryFields

      public java.lang.String checkMandatoryFields()
      validate, that all mandatory fields are set - if not we throw an InvalidParameterException
      null if all fields are set OR
      the name of the field which value is missing
    • validateInput

      public abstract void validateInput()
      this method can be used to perform transaction specific validations that will
    • buildTransaction

      public abstract AbstractTransaction<?> buildTransaction​(ExternalApi externalApi, InternalApi internalApi)
      builds the necessary transaction object
      externalApi - the node api instance
      internalApi - the node api instance
      the instance of a specific transaction class that extends AbstractTransaction
    • getApiToModelFunction

      public abstract java.util.function.Function<Tx,​?> getApiToModelFunction()
      remap the given genericTx to a model
      a function that maps the generated Api class into our SDK model class
    • doSign

      public boolean doSign()
      indicates, if the transaction needs to be signed
    • hasInnerTx

      public boolean hasInnerTx()
      indicates, if the transaction has inner tx (GATx, PayforTx)
    • getInnerTxModel

      public AbstractTransactionModel<?> getInnerTxModel()
      returns the inner transaction model if defined