
object alignContent extends Style

The CSS align-content property aligns a flex container's lines within the flex container when there is extra space on the cross-axis. This property has no effect on single line flexible boxes.


class Style
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def :=[Builder, T](v: T)(implicit ev: StyleValue[Builder, T]): StylePair[Builder, T]

Creates an StylePair from an Style and a value of type T, if there is an StyleValue of the correct type.

Creates an StylePair from an Style and a value of type T, if there is an StyleValue of the correct type.

Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Concrete fields

lazy val center: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container. The lines are flushed with each other and aligned in the center of the flex container. Space between the cross-start edge of the flex container and first line and between cross-end of the flex container and the last line is the same.

Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container. The lines are flushed with each other and aligned in the center of the flex container. Space between the cross-start edge of the flex container and first line and between cross-end of the flex container and the last line is the same.


lazy val flexEnd: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines are packed starting from the cross-end. Cross-end of the last line and cross-end of the flex container are flushed together. Each preceding line is flushed with the following line.

Lines are packed starting from the cross-end. Cross-end of the last line and cross-end of the flex container are flushed together. Each preceding line is flushed with the following line.


lazy val flexStart: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines are packed starting from the cross-start. Cross-start edge of the first line and cross-start edge of the flex container are flushed together. Each following line is flush with the preceding.

Lines are packed starting from the cross-start. Cross-start edge of the first line and cross-start edge of the flex container are flushed together. Each following line is flush with the preceding.


lazy val spaceAround: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines are evenly distributed so that the space between two adjacent lines is the same. The empty space before the first and after the last lines equals half of the space between two adjacent lines.

Lines are evenly distributed so that the space between two adjacent lines is the same. The empty space before the first and after the last lines equals half of the space between two adjacent lines.


lazy val spaceBeteween: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container. The spacing is done such as the space between two adjacent items is the same. Cross-start edge and cross-end edge of the flex container are flushed with respectively first and last line edges.

Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container. The spacing is done such as the space between two adjacent items is the same. Cross-start edge and cross-end edge of the flex container are flushed with respectively first and last line edges.


lazy val stretch: StylePair[Builder, String]

Lines stretch to use the remaining space. The free-space is split equally between all the lines.

Lines stretch to use the remaining space. The free-space is split equally between all the lines.