
trait Styles2[Builder, Output <: FragT, FragT] extends StyleMisc[Builder, Output, FragT]

Contains CSS styles which are used less frequently. These are not imported by default to avoid namespace pollution.

trait StyleMisc[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait Util[Builder, Output, FragT]
trait LowPriUtil[Builder, Output, FragT]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object backfaceVisibility extends Style

The CSS backface-visibility property determines whether or not the back face of the element is visible when facing the user. The back face of an element always is a transparent background, letting, when visible, a mirror image of the front face be displayed.

The CSS backface-visibility property determines whether or not the back face of the element is visible when facing the user. The back face of an element always is a transparent background, letting, when visible, a mirror image of the front face be displayed.


object columnFill extends Style

The column-fill CSS property controls how contents are partitioned into columns. Contents are either balanced, which means that contents in all columns will have the same height or, when using auto, just take up the room the content needs.

The column-fill CSS property controls how contents are partitioned into columns. Contents are either balanced, which means that contents in all columns will have the same height or, when using auto, just take up the room the content needs.


object columnRuleStyle extends OutlineStyle

The column-rule-style CSS property lets you set the style of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.

The column-rule-style CSS property lets you set the style of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.


object columnRuleWidth extends Style

The column-rule-width CSS property lets you set the width of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.

The column-rule-width CSS property lets you set the width of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.


object columnSpan extends Style

The column-span CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all. An element that spans more than one column is called a spanning element.

The column-span CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all. An element that spans more than one column is called a spanning element.


object columns extends Style

The columns CSS property is a shorthand property allowing to set both the column-width and the column-count properties at the same time.

The columns CSS property is a shorthand property allowing to set both the column-width and the column-count properties at the same time.


object transformStyle extends Style

The transform-style CSS property determines if the children of the element are positioned in the 3D-space or are flattened in the plane of the element.

The transform-style CSS property determines if the children of the element are positioned in the 3D-space or are flattened in the plane of the element.


object unicodeBidi extends Style

The unicode-bidi CSS property together with the direction property relates to the handling of bidirectional text in a document. For example, if a block of text contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text then the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. This property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.

The unicode-bidi CSS property together with the direction property relates to the handling of bidirectional text in a document. For example, if a block of text contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text then the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. This property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.


object wordBreak extends Style

The word-break CSS property is used to specify how (or if) to break lines within words.

The word-break CSS property is used to specify how (or if) to break lines within words.


Inherited classlikes

class SeqNode[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder])

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding a Seq containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Inherited from

Inherited types

type ConcreteHtmlTag[T <: Output] <: TypedTag[Builder, T, FragT]
Inherited from

Value members

Inherited methods

def attr(s: String, ns: Namespace, raw: Boolean): Attr

Constructs an Attr attribute object from a string; can be used inline:

Constructs an Attr attribute object from a string; can be used inline:

   attr("hello-world-special-attr") := "foo

Or assigned to a name and used later

 val hello = attr("hello-world-special-attr")
   hello := "foo
Inherited from
def css(s: String): Style

Constructs a CSS Style from a string, can be used inline

Constructs a CSS Style from a string, can be used inline

   css("-moz-special-style") := "foo"

Or assigned to a name and used later

 val mozSpecial := css("-moz-special-style")
   mozSpecial := "foo"
Inherited from
def frag(frags: Frag[Builder, FragT]*): Frag[Builder, FragT]
Inherited from
def makeAbstractTypedTag[T <: Output](tag: String, void: Boolean, namespaceConfig: Namespace): ConcreteHtmlTag[T]
Inherited from
def modifier(mods: Modifier[Builder]*): Modifier[Builder]
Inherited from
def tag(s: String, void: Boolean): TypedTag[Builder, Output, FragT]
Inherited from

Concrete fields

lazy val animation: Style

The animation CSS property is a shorthand property for animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count and animation-direction.

The animation CSS property is a shorthand property for animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count and animation-direction.


lazy val animationDelay: MultiTimeStyle

The animation-delay CSS property specifies when the animation should start. This lets the animation sequence begin some time after it's applied to an element.

The animation-delay CSS property specifies when the animation should start. This lets the animation sequence begin some time after it's applied to an element.

A value of 0s, which is the default value of the property, indicates that the animation should begin as soon as it's applied. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied to the element; animation will begin that amount of time after being applied.

Specifying a negative value for the animation delay causes the animation to begin executing immediately. However, it will appear to have begun executing partway through its cycle. For example, if you specify -1s as the animation delay time, the animation will begin immediately but will start 1 second into the animation sequence.

If you specify a negative value for the animation delay, but the starting value is implicit, the starting value is taken from the moment the animation is applied to the element.


The animation-direction CSS property indicates whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.

The animation-direction CSS property indicates whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.


The animation-duration CSS property specifies the Length of time that an animation should take to complete one cycle.

The animation-duration CSS property specifies the Length of time that an animation should take to complete one cycle.

A value of 0s, which is the default value, indicates that no animation should occur.


The animation-fill-mode CSS property specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing.

The animation-fill-mode CSS property specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing.


The animation-iteration-count CSS property defines the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping.

The animation-iteration-count CSS property defines the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping.


The animation-name CSS property specifies a list of animations that should be applied to the selected element. Each name indicates a @keyframes at-rule that defines the property values for the animation sequence.

The animation-name CSS property specifies a list of animations that should be applied to the selected element. Each name indicates a @keyframes at-rule that defines the property values for the animation sequence.


The animation-play-state CSS property determines whether an animation is running or paused. You can query this property's value to determine whether or not the animation is currently running; in addition, you can set its value to pause and resume playback of an animation.

The animation-play-state CSS property determines whether an animation is running or paused. You can query this property's value to determine whether or not the animation is currently running; in addition, you can set its value to pause and resume playback of an animation.

Resuming a paused animation will start the animation from where it left off at the time it was paused, rather than starting over from the beginning of the animation sequence.


The CSS animation-timing-function property specifies how a CSS animation should progress over the duration of each cycle. The possible values are one or several .

The CSS animation-timing-function property specifies how a CSS animation should progress over the duration of each cycle. The possible values are one or several .

For keyframed animations, the timing function applies between keyframes rather than over the entire animation. In other words, the timing function is applied at the start of the keyframe and at the end of the keyframe.

An animation timing function defined within a keyframe block applies to that keyframe; otherwise. If no timing function is specified for the keyframe, the timing function specified for the overall animation is used.


lazy val columnCount: AutoStyle

The column-count CSS property describes the number of columns of the element.

The column-count CSS property describes the number of columns of the element.


lazy val columnGap: NormalOpenStyle

The column-gap CSS property sets the size of the gap between columns for elements which are specified to display as a multi-column element.

The column-gap CSS property sets the size of the gap between columns for elements which are specified to display as a multi-column element.


lazy val columnRule: Style

In multi-column layouts, the column-rule CSS property specifies a straight line, or "rule", to be drawn between each column. It is a convenient shorthand to avoid setting each of the individual column-rule-* properties separately : column-rule-width, column-rule-style and column-rule-color.

In multi-column layouts, the column-rule CSS property specifies a straight line, or "rule", to be drawn between each column. It is a convenient shorthand to avoid setting each of the individual column-rule-* properties separately : column-rule-width, column-rule-style and column-rule-color.


The column-rule-color CSS property lets you set the color of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.

The column-rule-color CSS property lets you set the color of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.


lazy val columnWidth: AutoStyle

The column-width CSS property suggests an optimal column width. This is not a absolute value but a mere hint. Browser will adjust the width of the column around that suggested value, allowing to achieve scalable designs that fit different screen size. Especially in presence of the column-count CSS property which has precedence, to set an exact column width, all Length values must be specified. In horizontal text these are width, column-width, column-gap, and column-rule-width

The column-width CSS property suggests an optimal column width. This is not a absolute value but a mere hint. Browser will adjust the width of the column around that suggested value, allowing to achieve scalable designs that fit different screen size. Especially in presence of the column-count CSS property which has precedence, to set an exact column width, all Length values must be specified. In horizontal text these are width, column-width, column-gap, and column-rule-width


lazy val content: Style

The content CSS property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to generate content in an element. Objects inserted using the content property are anonymous replaced elements.

The content CSS property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to generate content in an element. Objects inserted using the content property are anonymous replaced elements.


The counter-increment CSS property is used to increase the value of CSS Counters by a given value. The counter's value can be reset using the counter-reset CSS property.

The counter-increment CSS property is used to increase the value of CSS Counters by a given value. The counter's value can be reset using the counter-reset CSS property.


The counter-reset CSS property is used to reset CSS Counters to a given value.

The counter-reset CSS property is used to reset CSS Counters to a given value.


lazy val orphans: Style

The orphans CSS property refers to the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be left at the bottom of the page. This property is normally used to control how page breaks occur.

The orphans CSS property refers to the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be left at the bottom of the page. This property is normally used to control how page breaks occur.


lazy val pageBreakAfter: PageBreak

The page-break-after CSS property adjusts page breaks after the current element.

The page-break-after CSS property adjusts page breaks after the current element.


lazy val pageBreakBefore: PageBreak

The page-break-before CSS property adjusts page breaks before the current element.

The page-break-before CSS property adjusts page breaks before the current element.

This properties applies to block elements that generate a box. It won't apply on an empty div that won't generate a box.


lazy val pageBreakInside: PageBreak

The page-break-inside CSS property adjusts page breaks inside the current element.

The page-break-inside CSS property adjusts page breaks inside the current element.


lazy val perspective: NoneOpenStyle

The perspective CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give to the 3D-positioned element some perspective. Each 3D element with z>0 becomes larger; each 3D-element with z<0 becomes smaller. The strength of the effect is determined by the value of this property.

The perspective CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give to the 3D-positioned element some perspective. Each 3D element with z>0 becomes larger; each 3D-element with z<0 becomes smaller. The strength of the effect is determined by the value of this property.


The perspective-origin CSS property determines the position the viewer is looking at. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective property.

The perspective-origin CSS property determines the position the viewer is looking at. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective property.


lazy val transform: Style

The CSS transform property lets you modify the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model. Using it, elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed according to the values set.

The CSS transform property lets you modify the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model. Using it, elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed according to the values set.

If the property has a value different than none, a stacking context will be created. In that case the object will act as a containing block for position: fixed elements that it contains.


The transform-origin CSS property lets you modify the origin for transformations of an element. For example, the transform-origin of the rotate() function is the centre of rotation. (This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value.)

The transform-origin CSS property lets you modify the origin for transformations of an element. For example, the transform-origin of the rotate() function is the centre of rotation. (This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value.)

Not explicitely set values are reset to their corresponding values.


lazy val widows: Style

The widows CSS property defines how many minimum lines must be left on top of a new page, on a paged media. In typography, a widow is the last line of a paragraph appearing alone at the top of a page. Setting the widows property allows to prevent widows to be left.

The widows CSS property defines how many minimum lines must be left on top of a new page, on a paged media. In typography, a widow is the last line of a paragraph appearing alone at the top of a page. Setting the widows property allows to prevent widows to be left.

On a non-paged media, like screen, the widows CSS property has no effect.



Inherited implicits

implicit def ArrayFrag[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Inherited from
implicit def ArrayNode[A](xs: Array[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Array containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Inherited from
implicit def GeneratorFrag[A](xs: Generator[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Inherited from
implicit def OptionFrag[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Option of FragT into a single FragT

Inherited from
implicit def OptionNode[A](xs: Option[A])(implicit ev: A => Modifier[Builder]): SeqNode[A]

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Allows you to modify a ConcreteHtmlTag by adding an Option containing other nest-able objects to its list of children.

Inherited from
implicit def SeqFrag[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ev: A => Frag[Builder, FragT]): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Renders an Seq of FragT into a single FragT

Inherited from
implicit def UnitFrag(u: Unit): Frag[Builder, FragT]

Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

Lets you put Unit into a scalatags tree, as a no-op.

Inherited from