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class ComputeId

Check performance of TaggedItem.computeId. It is in the hot path when processing new metrics that come in via publish.

Check performance of TaggedItem.computeId. It is in the hot path when processing new metrics that come in via publish.

> jmh:run -prof gc -prof stack -wi 5 -i 5 -f1 -t1 .*ComputeId.*
Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt       Score       Error   Units
computeIdNaive                       thrpt    5  326439.391 ± 30418.108   ops/s
computeIdSmallTagMap                 thrpt    5  512260.825 ± 36192.269   ops/s
computeIdSortedTagMap                thrpt    5  578262.359 ± 70766.713   ops/s
computeIdTagMap                      thrpt    5  519393.255 ± 16961.856   ops/s

Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt       Score       Error   Units
computeIdNaive                       alloc    5    8408.000 ±     0.001    B/op
computeIdSmallTagMap                 alloc    5      64.000 ±     0.001    B/op
computeIdSortedTagMap                alloc    5      64.000 ±     0.001    B/op
computeIdTagMap                      alloc    5      80.000 ±     0.001    B/op

Note, the naive method is mostly problematic in terms of allocated data, not throughput. For this benchmark it allocates over 25GB for the top 5 objects compared to 5GB to 6GB when using computeId.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
> jmh:run -prof gc -prof stack -wi 5 -i 10 -f1 -t1 .*ItemIdToString.*
Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt        Score       Error   Units
runToString                          thrpt   10  6502790.539 ± 84203.781   ops/s
runToString:·gc.alloc.rate           thrpt   10     1275.402 ±    16.731  MB/sec
runToString:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      thrpt   10      216.000 ±     0.001    B/op


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Check performance of special case in KeyValueQuery to use SmallHashMap.getOrNull when possible instead of Map.get. This avoids an allocation for the Option and a little bit of overhead for the lambda invocation. For tight loops such as checking the query for a high volume streaming path it provides a noticeable benefit.

Check performance of special case in KeyValueQuery to use SmallHashMap.getOrNull when possible instead of Map.get. This avoids an allocation for the Option and a little bit of overhead for the lambda invocation. For tight loops such as checking the query for a high volume streaming path it provides a noticeable benefit.

> jmh:run -prof gc -wi 10 -i 10 -f1 -t1 .*KeyValueQuery.*


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any