Members list

Type members


class TagRules

TagRule needs to loop over all the entries in the map. This benchmark compares looping over the tags for each rule to looping over the rules for each tag.

TagRule needs to loop over all the entries in the map. This benchmark compares looping over the tags for each rule to looping over the rules for each tag.

> jmh:run -prof gc -wi 10 -i 10 -f1 -t1 .*TagRules.*


Benchmark           Mode  Cnt        Score        Error   Units
composite          thrpt   10  1345178.780 ± 220318.775   ops/s
compositeSorted    thrpt   10  1330052.142 ± 100088.503   ops/s
separate           thrpt   10  1827998.619 ± 126933.939   ops/s
separateSorted     thrpt   10  2085370.740 ± 262945.382   ops/s


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any