

if you would like joda DateTime implicits to be included (as they were in past versions of scalacheck-ops), you will need to include the scalacheck-ops-joda library and import org.scalacheck.ops.time.joda._.

Type members


final class GenConfig
object GenConfig
sealed class GenExceededRetryLimit extends Exception

An exception thrown when a value cannot be pulled out from the Gen.sample method after a number of tries.

An exception thrown when a value cannot be pulled out from the Gen.sample method after a number of tries.

TODO: Convert to final class in next major version.

final class GenFromConfig[T](gen: Gen[T], config: GenConfig, typeName: String)
final class GenFromConfigBuilder[T](gen: Gen[T]) extends AnyVal
final class GenOfPartiallyApplied[C[_]](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
object GenOps
final class GenOps[T](val gen: Gen[T]) extends AnyVal

Mixin for some helpful implicits when dealing with ScalaCheck generator monads.

Mixin for some helpful implicits when dealing with ScalaCheck generator monads.

Allows for better mixing of property checks with normal single take test cases with randomized values.

trait SeedExtractor[-V]

A typeclass representing how convert the given type of seed value into a long so that it can be mixed in with the underlying random number generator org.scalacheck.rng.Seed.

A typeclass representing how convert the given type of seed value into a long so that it can be mixed in with the underlying random number generator org.scalacheck.rng.Seed.

final class SeededGen[S, T <: Tag, V](genFn: S @@ T => Gen[V])(implicit extractor: SeedExtractor[S])

Used instead of a Gen to require the caller to provide a rallyId that is used to deterministically alter the underlying seed of the resulting generator.

Used instead of a Gen to require the caller to provide a rallyId that is used to deterministically alter the underlying seed of the resulting generator.

If you use a SeededGen, the resulting generator will always generate the same results for the same seed.

Type parameters:

the seed type, must have an implicit SeedExtractor to mix in with the starting seed


the type of org.scalacheck.ops.SeededGen.Tag used to avoid exposing implicit type arguments on primitive values


the type of value produced by the generator

Value parameters:

a function from seed (typically implicit) to a generator


You only need to use this if you want to require the caller to pass a seed OR your generator depends on the value of the seed provided (passed along implicitly). Using a plain Gen will work as expected in all other contexts.

 trait ID extends SeededGen.Tag
 val genNamespacedID = SeededGen[String, ID, String] { implicit id =>
   for {
     inner <- Gen.identifier // doesn't need to be a SeededGen
   } yield s"thing-$id-$inner"
 assert(gen.instance("1") startsWith "thing-1-")

You can treat a SeededGen as a Gen when inside the definition of a SeededGen if you make the given seed implicit.

 val gen = SeededGen[String, ID, Map[String, String]] { implicit id =>
   for {
     namespacedID <- genNamespacedID // implicitly converted from SeededGen to Gen because of the implicit id
     rank <- Gen.choose(1, 10)
   } yield Map(
     "id" -> namespacedID,
     "rank" -> rank.toString

Typically, it is most convenient to define a SeededGen alias so that you can benefit from type inference and hide the often repeated seed and tag types. For this, you should define an object that extends SeededGen#Companion. Instead of defining map and flatMap methods, this pattern opts to implicitly convert your SeededGen into a Gen where these methods are defined. This makes it easier to interlace Gen with SeededGen in the same for-yield comprehension. In order to access the seed, you can call your SeededGen builder and pass a block of code that takes an implicit seed and produces a Gen. In places where you don't want to define a full SeededGen, but you need access to the seed, you can use andThenWithSeed. If you don't need access to the seed, you can call andThen which will allow you to alter the underlying generator while keeping everything inside of a SeededGen.

object SeededGen
@implicitNotFound("Could not grab the type name of $".+("{T} at compile-time... except for printing this error message (go figure). ").+("This means that neither a ClassTag nor izumi.reflect.Tag could not be summoned for this type."))
final class TypeName[T]

Deprecated classlikes

@deprecated("Use GenExceededRetryLimit instead.", "2.7.0")
class EmptyGenSampleException[T](val generator: Gen[T], attempts: Long)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T]) extends GenExceededRetryLimit

An exception thrown when a value cannot be pulled out from the Gen.sample method after a number of tries.

An exception thrown when a value cannot be pulled out from the Gen.sample method after a number of tries.

@deprecated("Use GenFromConfig instead. This class requires a ClassTag and is not as reusable as GenFromConfig. ".+("It will be removed in the next major version."), "2.7.0")
class GenOrThrow[T](val gen: Gen[T])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T])

Provides the ability to convert a Gen into an Iterator

Provides the ability to convert a Gen into an Iterator

Type parameters:

the type of value produced by the generator

Value parameters:

a generator of some kind

@deprecated("Don\'t extend ScalaCheckImplicits. Import from org.scalacheck.ops._ instead.", "2.7.0")

Value members

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated("Use implicit conversion to GenFromConfig instead.", "2.7.0")
def genToGenOrThrow[T : ClassTag](generator: Gen[T]): GenOrThrow[T]
Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit val arbChronology: Arbitrary[Chronology]
implicit val arbInstant: Arbitrary[Instant]
implicit val arbLocalDate: Arbitrary[LocalDate]
implicit lazy val arbLocalDateTime: Arbitrary[LocalDateTime]
implicit val arbLocalTime: Arbitrary[LocalTime]
implicit lazy val arbOffsetDateTime: Arbitrary[OffsetDateTime]
implicit val arbZoneId: Arbitrary[ZoneId]
implicit lazy val arbZonedDateTime: Arbitrary[ZonedDateTime]
implicit def genArbitrary[T](gen: Gen[T]): Arbitrary[T]

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

This seems like a good default:

 implicit val arbThing: Arbitrary[T] = genThing

this does not implicitly convert implicit Gens into Arbitrary, (1) this would undermine the purpose of having a separate Arbitrary type (2) making a Gen implicit is not a standard pattern anyway

Inherited from:
implicit def genFromConfigBuilder[T](gen: Gen[T]): GenFromConfigBuilder[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def genFromConfigOps[T](gen: Gen[T])(implicit gc: GenConfig, tn: TypeName[T]): GenFromConfig[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def genObjectToGenOps(gen: Gen.type): GenOps.type
Inherited from:
implicit def genToGenOps[T](gen: Gen[T]): GenOps[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple10[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple11[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple12[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple13[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple14[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple15[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple16[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple17[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple18[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple19[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple20[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple21[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink, U : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple22[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink, U : Shrink, V : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)]
Inherited from:
implicit def toJavaTimeGenOps(gen: Gen.type): JavaTimeGenOps.type
Inherited from:
implicit def truncatedInstantGen(instantGen: Gen[Instant]): TruncatedInstantGen
implicit def truncatedLocalDateTimeGen(localDateTimeGen: Gen[LocalDateTime]): TruncatedLocalDateTimeGen

Deprecated and Inherited implicits

@deprecated("This doesn\'t work and will be removed in the next major version", "2.3.0")
implicit def arbitraryGen[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T]
Inherited from: