
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



implicit def genArbitrary[T](gen: Gen[T]): Arbitrary[T]

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

This seems like a good default:

 implicit val arbThing: Arbitrary[T] = genThing

this does not implicitly convert implicit Gens into Arbitrary, (1) this would undermine the purpose of having a separate Arbitrary type (2) making a Gen implicit is not a standard pattern anyway

Deprecated implicits

@deprecated("This doesn\'t work and will be removed in the next major version", "2.3.0")
implicit def arbitraryGen[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T]