
trait ObjArrVisitor[-T, +J]

Base class for visiting elements of json arrays and objects.

Type Params

output result of visiting elements (e.g. a json AST or side-effecting writer)


input result of visiting a child of this object or array. object or array builders will typically insert this value into their internal Map or Seq.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait ArrVisitor[T, J]
class ArrDelegate[T, J]
class MapArrContext[T, V, Z]
trait ObjVisitor[T, J]
class MapObjContext[T, V, Z]
class ObjDelegate[T, J]

Value members

Abstract methods

def isObj: Boolean

true if this is a json object false if this is a json array

def subVisitor: Visitor[_, _]

Called on descent into elements.

Called on descent into elements.

The returned Visitor will be used to visit this branch of the json.

def visitEnd(): J

Called on end of the object or array.

Called on end of the object or array.


the result of visiting this array or object

def visitValue(v: T): Unit

Called on completion of visiting an array element or object field value, with the produced result, T.

Called on completion of visiting an array element or object field value, with the produced result, T.

Value Params

result of visiting a value in this object or arary (not the input value, this would have been passed to subVisitor)

Concrete methods

def narrow: ObjArrVisitor[Any, J]

Casts T from _ to Any.

Casts T from _ to Any.