
trait TaggedFrom[In] extends From[In] with Tagged
trait Tagged
trait From[In]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Leaf[T]
class Node[T]
trait TaggedFromTo[T]
class Leaf[T]
class Node[T]

Value members

Abstract methods

def findFrom(v: Any): (String, CaseW[In])

Concrete methods

def transform0[Out](in: In, out: Visitor[_, Out]): Out
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def comap[U](f: U => In): MapFrom[U, In]
Inherited from
def comapNulls[U](f: U => In): MapFromNulls[U, In]
Inherited from
def narrow[K]: From[K]
Inherited from
def tagName: String

Name of the object key used to identify the subclass tag. Tos will fast path if this is the first field of the object. Otherwise, Tos will have to buffer the content and find the tag later. While naming, consider that some implementations (e.g. vpack) may sort object keys, so symbol prefixes work well for ensuring the tag is the first property.

Name of the object key used to identify the subclass tag. Tos will fast path if this is the first field of the object. Otherwise, Tos will have to buffer the content and find the tag later. While naming, consider that some implementations (e.g. vpack) may sort object keys, so symbol prefixes work well for ensuring the tag is the first property.

Inherited from
def transform[Out](in: In, out: Visitor[_, Out]): Out
Inherited from